Painkillers wtf happened?

Hypothetically speaking, couldn’t one obtain certain cultivars of papaver somniferum such as Tasmanian that is high in opioid alkaline and harvest raw opium for pain management? Would this be a waste of time or a viable option for someone who would like to become independent of big pharma? How much would need to be grown to be suffice for someone with chronic pain? I don’t know shit about poppies just cannabis and psilocybe cubensis so maybe someone with more knowledge could shed some light?
I had a procedure called Radio Frequency Ablasion. They burned the nerves that ostensibly control the pain message that goes to the brain. The results seem different with everybody. But I'd never do it again. The couple months after the procedure were awful. When it settled down I was at the same level of pain as before.
So it's opiates for me and I don't have a problem with them. They don't make me buzzed at all. I don't understand the high that people get. It'd be great to catch a buzz but I don't.
I'm holding out for a new spine. Maybe when I'm 90 they'll have that available. Figures.
I had a procedure called Radio Frequency Ablasion. They burned the nerves that ostensibly control the pain message that goes to the brain. The results seem different with everybody. But I'd never do it again. The couple months after the procedure were awful. When it settled down I was at the same level of pain as before.
So it's opiates for me and I don't have a problem with them. They don't make me buzzed at all. I don't understand the high that people get. It'd be great to catch a buzz but I don't.
I'm holding out for a new spine. Maybe when I'm 90 they'll have that available. Figures.
Ever tried Kratom? You find it’s helpful. Sometimes, it’s so effective at controlling pain that some people using it as an aphrodisiac have been unable to climax while taking it. Both my girl and I actually occasionally have this issue if we take too much.
Ever tried Kratom? You find it’s helpful. Sometimes, it’s so effective at controlling pain that some people using it as an aphrodisiac have been unable to climax while taking it. Both my girl and I actually occasionally have this issue if we take too much.
At the level of pain meds I'm taking I don't think it'd work. I'd probably have to stop taking the pills and then make the switch so I could judge the effectiveness.
I don't plan on taking these pills for ever. When my disability claim goes through things will change.
I bought some kratom once before. Probably the wrong kind. It didn't help. I felt nothing.
At the level of pain meds I'm taking I don't think it'd work. I'd probably have to stop taking the pills and then make the switch so I could judge the effectiveness.
I don't plan on taking these pills for ever. When my disability claim goes through things will change.
I bought some kratom once before. Probably the wrong kind. It didn't help. I felt nothing.
You probably bought a low-quality headshop Kratom. The stuff I get is so strong, I sometimes puke from 3-5g due to receptor activity. Try Red Bali from one of the vendors I listed. Cheap, too. ~$20 a quarter kilo/250g or so.
Thailand banned Kratom in 1950 just because it was cutting into their opium tax revenue. It may take a bit of experimenting, but I think it might at least help when you have nothing at all.
I had a procedure called Radio Frequency Ablasion
Yeah, that is what I have done... The first one was so-so but I also had a discogram done at the same time. I always have mine done while awake...
I have control issues....
The third one worked pretty well and has lasted the longest... I think the first time the nerves grew back in like 6 months.

I like kratom, but the teabag taste and constipation is a bit much. I have a bit left, probably gone stale by now.
Yeah, that is what I have done... The first one was so-so but I also had a discogram done at the same time. I always have mine done while awake...
I have control issues....
The third one worked pretty well and has lasted the longest... I think the first time the nerves grew back in like 6 months.
Yeah six months. Hardly worth the torture imo.
I don't give up hope though.
What was different the third time was a younger doctor took over the practice.... :)
Lol, he phoned the old doc (on retirement), while in the theatre with me to tell the old man, I said, it hurt less than his way...
Guess being rich doesn't stop you being an arsehole.
I have something fucked up in my right back, by my shoulder blade. It goes from about the same vertebrae near my solar plexus, and you can feel the muscle that wraps around my flank and past the tip of my shoulderblade is tight and full of knots and nodules. The whole of my right side thoracic back is numb to the touch. Probably from carrying my kit and a full rucksack up and down the Hindu Kush and Himalayas. Knees are pretty fucked, too. Also afraid that I might have cancer such as lymphoma, because it runs on both sides of my family and because of the burn pits.
I have something fucked up in my right back, by my shoulder blade. It goes from about the same vertebrae near my solar plexus, and you can feel the muscle that wraps around my flank and past the tip of my shoulderblade is tight and full of knots and nodules. The whole of my right side thoracic back is numb to the touch. Probably from carrying my kit and a full rucksack up and down the Hindu Kush and Himalayas. Knees are pretty fucked, too. Also afraid that I might have cancer such as lymphoma, because it runs on both sides of my family and because of the burn pits.
JFC you're too young for all that shit.
For what it’s worth I’ll weigh in on this old thread about pain management and add what I can to the discussion about my experiences with Kratom.

In March 2015 I suffered a catastrophic breakage of my left shoulder. I broke the ball joint off the bone and into 5 pieces. It required a titanium bar and 7 long screws to put me back together and now I have to carry x-rays when I fly.

Anywho, I was on 10-325 hydros for about 4 months, and got pretty good at abusing them. Lol had I known the pain wasn’t gonna really start till a couple years down the line I woulda been stockpiling. I have permanent nerve damage and when the nerves finally started coming back to life, it made me acutely aware of the fact that my left shoulder is half

Anywho, when the doc cut me off in late 2015 I began taking Kratom. I started with maeng da and moved to Bali red vein. Really got me through my withdrawals. I’d just keep taking higher doses till you find what works.

So for me, I started with around 3g the first time, and instantly moved up to 6-8 gram doses. I take it on an empty stomach, and I wrap about 3g of the powder in a single sheet of 1-ply toilet paper and parachute it (dip the packet in water and quickly swallow) Rinse and repeat as necessary

I’m currently up to about 10g doses to feel any meaningful effects. That’s a lot of powder to swallow, but you know, it’s the only thing that scratches that itch, and it really helps with the pain in my arm.

That being said, it’s addictive in its own right. I do get anxious when I run low. I even kicked it for about 8 months, but recently picked it back up again a few weeks ago.

It’s increased in popularity over the past couple years and it’s become pretty easy to find a reputable source. And I find that it’s also gone down in price considerably than when I first began buying it.
If they have to put you on an opiate, I'd let them put me on DF118. It is slightly less addictive.