Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

She will look much better in orange with bars in front
You’re thinking of the entire trump regime

Hillary’s been investigated for decades without so much as a single indictment of anyone around her

Didn’t trumps own lawyer just name him as an unindicted co conspirator in a felony federal crime?
You’re thinking of the entire trump regime

Hillary’s been investigated for decades without so much as a single indictment of anyone around her

Didn’t trumps own lawyer just name him as an unindicted co conspirator in a felony federal crime?

the fact that she, her cronies (and a ton of RHINOs) are not in jail speaks to the corruption in our justice system- the same system that lets you run free
She lost get over it !

LOL, you need to say this to UB, and all the butthurt libtards who to this very instant are focused on doing and saying ANYTHING to impeach DJT. Serves them right for having Debbie wasserman Schultz throw bernie under the bus

The sooner we kick them all out, including DOJ/FBI/CIA/FEMA/NSA..., and the supreme court and start over the better off we'll all be
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LOL, you need to say this to UB, and all the butthurt libtards who to this very instant are focused on doing and saying ANYTHING to impeach DJT. Serves the right for having Debbie wasserman Schultz throw bernie under the bus
We just call them fellow Americans over here in America , comrade