Market it going down fast

Too many licenses which caused a flood in the market. Same thing happened with MMAR at least then product was moving. Same thing is happening in California from what I've been told by my sales reps. Personally I don't think it'll ever go back past $1000-1200 per LB after Oct 17th. If there was no legal market yes prices would go up but now you have the underground market and legal market. Seeing from how busy dispensaries are in Vancouver and how many people up late 20's/early 30's have 1gram baggies from dispensaries, there will be a huge # of people that will forget that there ever was or is an underground market. These people have no problems paying $10-15 per gram.
That's terrible. Hope your wrong though(certainly not saying you will be).

Won't a bunch of growers just stop growing if the market is really that bad? And if so wouldn't that just bring prices back up?

I can't see prices being overly cheap at the legal dispensaries either. For heavier tokers that aren't just smoking 1 gram a day, $10-15 per gram plus tax will definitely keep them in the BM if they're not growing their own.
That's terrible. Hope your wrong though(certainly not saying you will be).

Won't a bunch of growers just stop growing if the market is really that bad? And if so wouldn't that just bring prices back up?

I can't see prices being overly cheap at the legal dispensaries either. For heavier tokers that aren't just smoking 1 gram a day, $10-15 per gram plus tax will definitely keep them in the BM if they're not growing their own.

Well the prices can only go back up so much that it has to be way cheaper then the legal market. So unless growers with 10+ lights are going to piece out their whole crop gram per gram of oz's you still got the middle man who has to retail it. So now you have to sell cheap and make way less money for way more risk with the new laws.

I've now seen quite a few people quit and get jobs or selling their some on the coast and moving to the interior. Didn't see it at first but the effects are now showing.
Well the prices can only go back up so much that it has to be way cheaper then the legal market.

Think this is pretty much the key, isn't it? What prices is the legal market going to have? Can they make it so the BM is not really needed for most anymore? I kind of doubt it myself.

Too much greed and too many middle men involved with the legal stuff but with that being said my guess is as good as anyone else's. Interesting times are close at hand it indeed... Kind of wish we could just get on with it already :roll:.
Think this is pretty much the key, isn't it? What prices is the legal market going to have? Can they make it so the BM is not really needed for most anymore? I kind of doubt it myself.

Too much greed and too many middle men involved with the legal stuff but with that being said my guess is as good as anyone else's. Interesting times are close at hand it indeed... Kind of wish we could just get on with it already :roll:.

The gov can't keep the price low as how do you keep retailers from sustaining or growing their business if their income is capped along with LP's getting less per gram and provinces getting less in taxes. We also don't know if retailers will be able to set their own price higher than what the gov wants.

Obviously the BM will continue but I don't think for too long. Once legalization happens and the weed stigma is gone in a few years most Canadian as they reach the legal age will only know the legal side of weed and will not care of what is left of the black market.
The gov can't keep the price low as how do you keep retailers from sustaining or growing their business if their income is capped along with LP's getting less per gram and provinces getting less in taxes. We also don't know if retailers will be able to set their own price higher than what the gov wants.

Obviously the BM will continue but I don't think for too long. Once legalization happens and the weed stigma is gone in a few years most Canadian as they reach the legal age will only know the legal side of weed and will not care of what is left of the black market.

That's exactly my point. If legal prices are 2-3x more than BM prices than I think their will be still be a solid BM. Even in a few years or more. At least I hope their is lol.

I'm fine with the whole legalization stuff but certainly wouldn't want to see the BM disappear. Like what any experienced cannabis smoker would want to see the BM disappear? Not many I doubt.
That's exactly my point. If legal prices are 2-3x more than BM prices than I think their will be still be a solid BM. Even in a few years or more. At least I hope their is lol.

I'm fine with the whole legalization stuff but certainly wouldn't want to see the BM disappear. Like what any experienced cannabis smoker would want to see the BM disappear? Not many I doubt.

I don't think we're going to see 2-3x the price of BM (unless we're talking bottom of the barrel BM), but I do see legal being more money and less convenient.
The BM is still going to be open all hours of the night and, in many cases, be providing the better product. Especially when we're growing strains that we've been growing for a decade - these strains for those patients can't be replaced by an LP claiming they're growing "blueberry" or inventing their own strains.

The issues we faced (and the reason we're doing what we do) is that the market dipped so hard that the old way of moving it didn't make sense.
Now we focus more on quality, trimming the finest buds, curing them properly and trying to differentiate ourselves.
The rest gets turned into goodies, but we don't live in a market where we can get away with selling product that has been sprayed with pesticides or doesn't have bag appeal.
Gone are the good old days, but we're hoping they'll come back again once people see their options.
I don't think we're going to see 2-3x the price of BM (unless we're talking bottom of the barrel BM), but I do see legal being more money and less convenient.

BM in my area is still at high prices. The low price stuff is just getting lazy.
Southwestern ontario (outside of Toronto) doesn't seem to have as many dispensaries opening up and sticking around, so the BM is still working the old fashioned way.
Prices are quite reasonable for those willing to buy more than an ounce from what I'm seeing in Ontario.
Dispensaries that i've been too are WAY too expensive...that will not last long. I notice some are already getting that message and offering some better deals.
Many folks just don't have the cash to buy more than an ounce and that is a shame....the deals are there.
Prices are quite reasonable for those willing to buy more than an ounce from what I'm seeing in Ontario.
Dispensaries that i've been too are WAY too expensive...that will not last long. I notice some are already getting that message and offering some better deals.
Many folks just don't have the cash to buy more than an ounce and that is a shame....the deals are there.
you know it Mr.:weed:
Prices are quite reasonable for those willing to buy more than an ounce from what I'm seeing in Ontario.
Dispensaries that i've been too are WAY too expensive...that will not last long. I notice some are already getting that message and offering some better deals.
Many folks just don't have the cash to buy more than an ounce and that is a shame....the deals are there.

@The Hippy do you still buy some or do you grow most of your own? I'm curious what's a good price for a QP, etc.
I've stopped getting from LCS recently, been shopping around and am curious what the non-dispensary (online or storefront) price is.
I still get most of my product online, so I pay 6-8/g
@The Hippy do you still buy some or do you grow most of your own? I'm curious what's a good price for a QP, etc.
I've stopped getting from LCS recently, been shopping around and am curious what the non-dispensary (online or storefront) price is.
I still get most of my product online, so I pay 6-8/g
I rarely buy any from anybody. I was only using LCS for some interesting variety at times.
just to sample this and that...or trade them something I had.
I've shopped other dispensaries but usually don't buy. If something interesting comes along...I might grab some. I like to find new concentrates to try.....mostly disappointed though.
Most patients I know are under $4.00 per gram right now. Some even under $3.00.
They buy in quantity to get the better rates.
Hell even the ounce buyers are getting it for 6-7 per G
Maybe try to find a seller with the larger amounts to sell and seek a deal. I'm sure in your zone there must be some hungry guys.
@The Hippy do you still buy some or do you grow most of your own? I'm curious what's a good price for a QP, etc.
I've stopped getting from LCS recently, been shopping around and am curious what the non-dispensary (online or storefront) price is.
I still get most of my product online, so I pay 6-8/g
I believe some of your local delivery services are pretty good deals......Can't recommend any in your area though as I've never used them. Try weedmaps and scour the local services. Those guys are very hungry.
I rarely buy any from anybody. I was only using LCS for some interesting variety at times.
just to sample this and that...or trade them something I had.
I've shopped other dispensaries but usually don't buy. If something interesting comes along...I might grab some. I like to find new concentrates to try.....mostly disappointed though.
Most patients I know are under $4.00 per gram right now. Some even under $3.00.
They buy in quantity to get the better rates.
Hell even the ounce buyers are getting it for 6-7 per G
Maybe try to find a seller with the larger amounts to sell and seek a deal. I'm sure in your zone there must be some hungry guys.

I have access to a few MMAR gardens locally, but I've been sampling their product for years and was looking for some variety.
Hoping my own plant comes through for me soon so October will be a cheap month :bigjoint:
I believe some of your local delivery services are pretty good deals......Can't recommend any in your area though as I've never used them. Try weedmaps and scour the local services. Those guys are very hungry.

I've ordered from a bunch of online places with mixed results. Only 1 package ever didn't show up.
The did the best job of packaging (for smell) and not crushing the buds.
Budbuddy was good for variety, but some of it was a dud and it looks like jabba the hut sat on my order before they shipped it.
Right now I'm on a Juicy Fruit kick - price and quality are perfect for what I'm looking for.

Looking to try something with more of a body fix though. I done fucked up my back and the CBD capsules aren't doing shit for nerve pain.
For whatever reason, everyone around here likes to charge a premium for their CBD strains. Ever since that girl with the seizures made news the prices went up.