Strongest smelling strain you've grown


Well-Known Member
So far this Valley Girl by Archive is the strongest smelling that I've come across

She's still stacking and has a long way to go but frosty like crazy with super pale green buds. Pictures don't do justice. This was from a clone floating around SoCal. Seems like lots of Archive seed keeper clones from his OG Faceoff male line are getting around. I bred this with a Kush smelling OG/Chem/Strawberry D male that leaned almost completely towards the OG pheno. Almost nothing but a Kush smell with no other background smells. Very nice male that I also bred with a Private Reserve. Can't wait to see what comes from the combo.


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Delicious Seeds Cotten Candy......The smell was 100% the smell from a bag of the Peach O's candy. One solo plant overpowered a hurricane inline fan on a proper phresh filter that prior to this point and the next grow after that easily covered 6 plants.

It overpowered it so strongly that I ended up having to move to a different county real quick from crazy smell complaints/reports. Sooooo strong but it didnt have a standard smell so noone could place it before we got the fk out.

Same strain once smokable got me booted out of my buddies house cause it was fking with his wife lol weve been smoking around her for over 20 years and she has never at any other time yelled at me cause my herb was too potent smelling
Sadly in the "moving to a different county" real quick (wasnt quick at all getting into the next place just in the leaving the old one), I was unable to bring any mothers or cuttings through the journey and lost everything i didnt still have in seed form.

Im not sure id grow that one again untill we are legalized federally and then itd probly be made into hash or just to mix in a tiny bit with another kind. 12/10 for stench means 0/10 for piece of mind and privacy
Totally understandable . Just sounds like a nice pheno. Ive never had a plant with a peach candy smell. Hope things lighten up legally where you're at. The thought of peach hash is making my mouth water.
My cut of tangerine power is hands down the loudest plant in the tent and has been for a few runs. Straight tropical punch orange juice if you move it or bump it or else it stands like a cushy skunk if it's just sitting there. If you lightly rub it with your finger you can still smell the orange up to like 30 minutes later.
The power kush I had years ago was loud like skunk. Not quite road kill skunk but enough like skunk that another student told the professor I smelled like a skunk. I was 31 yrs old too, lol, I smoked a couple hits out of a sneek a toke type pipe like 30 mins or so before class.

Shit was potent as funk too but major paranioa inducing.