Anyone carry a knife daily?

Mine too.
Real talk. Swords work as well. I had a newish annoying neighbor, the type that wants to talk whenever he saw me and be friends. My dog at the time was a very old golden retriever who didn't know she was old. This coyote was trying to lure her away and she was suckering for it. I grabbed a sword (of which I have many) and went after the coyote. Obviously he took off. A few days later the neighbor says "I saw that, what would you have done if the coyote hadn't run?" Cut his god damned head off, what else? The neighbor became much less annoying and talkative :)
Real talk. Swords work as well. I had a newish annoying neighbor, the type that wants to talk whenever he saw me and be friends. My dog at the time was a very old golden retriever who didn't know she was old. This coyote was trying to lure her away and she was suckering for it. I grabbed a sword (of which I have many) and went after the coyote. Obviously he took off. A few days later the neighbor says "I saw that, what would you have done if the coyote hadn't run?" Cut his god damned head off, what else? The neighbor became much less annoying and talkative :)

Got a Coywolf around my neighborhood too, thing steals cats and little dogs all the time, only ever seen it on a camera
Real talk. Swords work as well. I had a newish annoying neighbor, the type that wants to talk whenever he saw me and be friends. My dog at the time was a very old golden retriever who didn't know she was old. This coyote was trying to lure her away and she was suckering for it. I grabbed a sword (of which I have many) and went after the coyote. Obviously he took off. A few days later the neighbor says "I saw that, what would you have done if the coyote hadn't run?" Cut his god damned head off, what else? The neighbor became much less annoying and talkative :)
Id much rather have it and not need it than the other way around, i never flash it on anyone like an idiot.

Carbines are nice truck guns, i used to keep a 10mm Hi Point in mine, this is my truck gun now

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"Responsibility" is the appropriate term i believe. (i'm not gonna try and take your gun from you lol. You'll shoot me with it. I'd do the same thing.)
It's a hard thing to believe of me maybe. But i'm of the belief that there are very dangerous people in public to have a gun. If taking guns away from these people, is a solution to stop their madness, then i can accept not owning one either. As long as it means those nasty people won't too.

I'm all in for guns. But in a practical sense it can be a little skewed imho.

"Responsibility" is the appropriate term i believe. (i'm not gonna try and take your gun from you lol. You'll shoot me with it. I'd do the same thing.)
It's a hard thing to believe of me maybe. But i'm of the belief that there are very dangerous people in public to have a gun. If taking guns away from these people, is a solution to stop their madness, then i can accept not owning one either. As long as it means those nasty people won't too.

I'm all in for guns. But in a practical sense it can be a little skewed imho.


If you want a gun get one. They are not hard to legally obtain unless you fall into the small "Nofknwayurarisktosociety" category. I grew up with rifles (don't own one anymore as I have no need for one) and most of my friends have guns.
If you want a gun get one. They are not hard to legally obtain unless you fall into the small "Nofknwayurarisktosociety" category. I grew up with rifles (don't own one anymore as I have no need for one) and most of my friends have guns.
Absolutely agree. Even from my own experience alone. Growing up in a farming background, and also personally appreciating the wilderness, then i can absolutely agree about owning a gun.
Not many wild pigs or dogs where i am. Even for miles. You have to travel further away from the city.

But in public, i personally feel safe enough not to have to carry. Also i'd have to go out of my way to be approved a licence here. My area is too suburban.

Even for the sake of self defense. Every crazy looney, drugged up junkie, rapist or axe murderer is gonna use a gun, if it means being safe.
But it's too hard for the crazy looney to get a gun. So they grab an axe instead. They are just looney and want to kill someone imo. They shouldn't deserve the same freedom to own a weapon.
How many people you reckon the axe murderer would kill using an AR-15 instead?

I believe in gun responsibility. It would be irresponsible of me to personally own a gun, in the busy society im in. That is it. That is all i want to say.

Absolutely agree. Even from my own experience alone. Growing up in a farming background, and also personally appreciating the wilderness, then i can absolutely agree about owning a gun.
Not many wild pigs or dogs where i am. Even for miles. You have to travel further away from the city.

But in public, i personally feel safe enough not to have to carry. Also i'd have to go out of my way to be approved a licence here. My area is too suburban.

Even for the sake of self defense. Every crazy looney, drugged up junkie, rapist or axe murderer is gonna use a gun, if it means being safe.
But it's too hard for the crazy looney to get a gun. So they grab an axe instead. They are just looney and want to kill someone imo. They shouldn't deserve the same freedom to own a weapon.
How many people you reckon the axe murderer would kill using an AR-15 instead?

I believe in gun responsibility. It would be irresponsible of me to personally own a gun, in the busy society im in. That is it. That is all i want to say.

Preaching to the converted. Im a big supporter of Aussies gun control laws. They work.
The State Liberal party here tried "loosening" a few of the requirements and laws this year. The public reaction stopped that dead in its tracks so it has overwhelming public support even in the rural state that I'm in, which is interesting. I grew up taking a .22 rifle to school on Fridays (and Mondays) to go shooting at a mates farm on the weekend and no one batted an times have changed..
Friends with guns often talk about how some laws are lacking for instance the securing of the gun safe. They would like to see more legislation on how and to what its secured to.
Preaching to the converted. Im a big supporter of Aussies gun control laws. They work.
The State Liberal party here tried "loosening" a few of the requirements and laws this year. The public reaction stopped that dead in its tracks so it has overwhelming public support even in the rural state that I'm in, which is interesting. I grew up taking a .22 rifle to school on Fridays (and Mondays) to go shooting at a mates farm on the weekend and no one batted an times have changed..
Friends with guns often talk about how some laws are lacking for instance the securing of the gun safe. They would like to see more legislation on how and to what its secured to.
Nuff said. No preaching, or argument from me at all.

We’re waayyyy past the point of return here in the states, with regular firearms and 80% builds theres no way to get to aussie standards of gun control. But thats a different political environment too, also with the right to own them not enshrined in the constitution, from ehat ive heard the censorship is pretty tough too, different strokes for different folks. Sorry didnt mean to help turn this into a gun control discussion, soon enough we’ll have Uncle Buck and company trolling us
We’re waayyyy past the point of return here in the states, with regular firearms and 80% builds theres no way to get to aussie standards of gun control. But thats a different political environment too, also with the right to own them not enshrined in the constitution, from ehat ive heard the censorship is pretty tough too, different strokes for different folks. Sorry didnt mean to help turn this into a gun control discussion, soon enough we’ll have Uncle Buck and company trolling us
Yea, completely diff social issues. Censorship in the states? I've had American friends mention this before. To be honest I only 1/2 believed them.
i couldn't decide if he meant he cut the chicken, badly, or, he cut the chicken i went and got a chicken sandwich and cut it 1/8 -7/8.....with a dull knife, so i got both covered

Haha. Yes i was using the pun. Was assuming he was playing the same one too. Hope he was.
But to his own merrit, was a great play on words.

I like chicken sandwiches as well. Can't have them without stuffing, and mayonnaise either.

Have you tried Australian bbq chicken? Finger licking good mate. Good tukka.
what's Australian bbq sauce based on? for chicken here most people use a sweetish tomato based sauce, with molasses and spices usually.
different but similar for pork or beef in a lot of places, some places do dry rub only, and some have a spicy vinegar based sauce for pork.
there are too many local variations of how to eat it all to list. here bbq pork or beef is served on a roll by itself. about 100 miles from here, they serve it with a big spoonful of coleslaw on top of it :sad: