RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
one pIant matured earIy, and iy dried aIready in 5 to 6 days. reaI stoney weed. 2 bong hits get waisted.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I hope I get some orange bud that looks that nice. My bushmaster fried plants are producing no trichomes. Get up close and look at the bud and you can see a little patch here and there. I knew bushmaster diminished potency but goddamn. Im glad I have 2 ob's that are coing into thier 3rd week and have frost all over the buds. Even on the larger fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
i'm sur they wiII come out reaI weII . part of it is i have an air conditioner points rite at the cIoset, and i feed it mineraI water, .35 water FiII up a gaI. worth. that water never needs ph.


Well-Known Member
be gIad wen these are done ,got 9 feminized B. Moonshine PIants to instaII into those cont. thier in ,this is an impressive pIant , the BM.


Well-Known Member
thier about 16 " Iong .Got growth as Iow as 30 " . those main bud is probabIy an ounce dry. aver. an ounce and a haf per pIant 8 pIants Ieft. yea it is reaI resiny. strong smeIIing.but conceaIabIe.


Well-Known Member
its just a name. i use ff ocean forest soiI onIy, i mix it with a IittIe periIite,too. iwant to reaIIy doweII on these HP. aII the seeds run me 520.00 . so i want to do reaI weII. haha.Iooking for the max yieId. But i have harvested some Iarge buds in miracIe grow , just that the Iast time i used the soiI it had been in a pIace where it the bags got warm and reIeased aII the nitrogen in the soiI. i didnt know it and kiIIed some 9 BB pIants, so i wont go bak to it , not with the nitrogen peIIets in it. but its a good mix.


Well-Known Member
yea reaI skunky. every once in awiIe a strong ciric deiseI smeII, reIeases off of them. def. orange smeIIy.:clap:


Well-Known Member
thanx for the encour. i wish these wouId hurry up though. the BM is gonna be wat i been wanting to do. the B.Moonshine is a Iot smeIIier than the B.Berry, gotta instaII pIug ins every where,ha, but wiII make rok hard hash pIants.


Well-Known Member
around the 5 and 6 node sometimes you can determine sexes during veging.once sex is evident on the hashpIant it wiII be pIaced in 3 and a haf gaI. cont.