Aussie Growers Thread

Doing a tea that I can folia spray and also water.
Coffee tin has a air stone in it, 2 L of water, splash of Go Go Juice, cup of the alfalfa meal (contains trico) and some Seamungus ( contains lots of good stuff)
Triacontanol (Tria) not trico ;),next time buy a bale of Lucerne they only cost $25 and let it soak for a week or 2 you don't it doesn't need to be aerated if your not trying to brew microbes. Alfalfa meal is a good source of organic nitrogen if you aren't keen on animal bi products like blood and bone or manure,you can just use it as a top dress or add to your soil mix
What size intake etc fans needed in this tent..600wt
Going to be used all yr round..and a half decent brand
Links welcome
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150mm hyperfan on my outtake that was around 250 it’s got a controller. And I got a 150mm generic brand for the intake which was 100. Hyperfans are the shit tho they look like a little jet engine and sound like one too you can get silenced version for 440