Do normal people use the term "monkey it up"?

Well climate change has happened since the dinosaurs. It was caused by dino farts.

Is it man made? A whole lot of money says it is. How convenient.
There are seven point four billion people living on a rock. If you think we've had no effect on the climate, you're an idiot, period.

A whole lotta money? Like big oil monies? Lulz.
Big oil money will pale in comparison to the green money. You are certain the climate change is completely man made? So the other climate changes were what exactly?
justin Trudeau is a stunned MOFO that thinks the carbon tax will work in Canada for example. It will be his ruination.
I come here to learn how other people are thinking. Your mixed messages and feelings about politicians isn't uncommon and yet, I don't understand. So I keep pestering you for insight. Like now. I'm just trying to understand.

What about Clinton makes here "old boy" and Biden not?

How can you learn anything on a bias one-sided liberal political forum where conservative posts get deleted and banned?

No you have not learned anything

and won't but carry on in the world of the one sided and continue to think how they want you to think

CNN would also be a good news source for you, hey even Faux
How can you learn anything on a bias one-sided liberal political forum where conservative posts get deleted and banned?

No you have not learned anything

and won't but carry on in the world of the one sided and continue to think how they want you to think

CNN would also be a good news source for you, hey even Faux
You're not a conservative, nice try though.
Gas is running cars for the next 30 years. All of the wishes in the world will not change our reliance on fossil fuels. And we all have to drive

Carbon tax is a kick in the nuts to transportation and commuters. PERIOD. Just a tax to pay for the many schemes to stay in power.

Natural gas heats our homes and is the cheapest on record. But it is fossil fuel too.

All of the vegan green people can go hunker down with a wood burning stove....wait a minute wood burning stoves are a lot less efficient and pollute more than natural gas you say....pashaw

It is about popular opinion and not reality.
Climate change is costing federal and state governments billions. Are we not entitled to compensation from those that are the most responsible?
I think the USA should go nuts on carbon tax. It will make the rest of us more competitive.

Countries that burn coal for fuel should be hammered by carbon tax.
How can you learn anything on a bias one-sided liberal political forum where conservative posts get deleted and banned?

No you have not learned anything

and won't but carry on in the world of the one sided and continue to think how they want you to think

CNN would also be a good news source for you, hey even Faux
Snivler Alert !
How can you learn anything on a bias one-sided liberal political forum where conservative posts get deleted and banned?

No you have not learned anything

and won't but carry on in the world of the one sided and continue to think how they want you to think

CNN would also be a good news source for you, hey even Faux
Hey, I read your shit. I've learned quite a bit about what your kind say about the issues. Most of what you say is not based on facts but right wing propaganda. There is a difference between facts and the shit you say but you don't or won't understand what that difference is. This is one of the few places where I can get unfiltered statements from your kind and it helps me understand just how fucked up your kind are. So thanks for that.

Most people get banned for trolling which is a different matter and I don't have any say in it anyway. Don't troll and you'll be fine.
Well climate change has happened since the dinosaurs. It was caused by dino farts.

Is it man made? A whole lot of money says it is. How convenient.
The true story is almost perfectly opposite of that. Fossil fuel companies did know the science behind the conclusion that global warming is being caused by burning fossil fuels is true as early as 1980. They are putting a large amount of money into casting doubt on the science because they make an obscene amount of money every year that their propaganda delays action.

Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago

A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation

Exxon was aware of climate change, as early as 1977, 11 years before it became a public issue, according to a recent investigation from InsideClimate News. This knowledge did not prevent the company (now ExxonMobil and the world’s largest oil and gas company) from spending decades refusing to publicly acknowledge climate change and even promoting climate misinformation—an approach many have likened to the lies spread by the tobacco industry regarding the health risks of smoking. Both industries were conscious that their products wouldn’t stay profitable once the world understood the risks, so much so that they used the same consultants to develop strategies on how to communicate with the public.

Experts, however, aren’t terribly surprised. “It’s never been remotely plausible that they did not understand the science,” says Naomi Oreskes, a history of science professor at Harvard University. But as it turns out, Exxon didn’t just understand the science, the company actively engaged with it. In the 1970s and 1980s it employed top scientists to look into the issue and launched its own ambitious research program that empirically sampled carbon dioxide and built rigorous climate models. Exxon even spent more than $1 million on a tanker project that would tackle how much CO2 is absorbed by the oceans. It was one of the biggest scientific questions of the time, meaning that Exxon was truly conducting unprecedented research.
Hey, I read your shit. I've learned quite a bit about what your kind say about the issues. Most of what you say is not based on facts but right wing propaganda. There is a difference between facts and the shit you say but you don't or won't understand what that difference is. This is one of the few places where I can get unfiltered statements from your kind and it helps me understand just how fucked up your kind are. So thanks for that.

Most people get banned for trolling which is a different matter and I don't have any say in it anyway. Don't troll and you'll be fine.

Wow. You are so superior you use the words “your kind” repeatedly. Sounds pretty racist hypocritedog.

And we get punished here for trolling back. And the rules don’t apply to the core extremely hysterical liberals as long as they tote the party line.

Sounds communist.
Wow. You are so superior you use the words “your kind” repeatedly. Sounds pretty racist hypocritedog.

And we get punished here for trolling back. And the rules don’t apply to the core extremely hysterical liberals as long as they tote the party line.

Sounds communist.
Did you grow any balls yet or is wifey keeping them in her purse?
You sound like a child