Advice on HPS kit purchase.

Yeah, that's exactly the type of guy you want to let into your house where you will be growing cannabis.

Good luck.
Well I have alot of computer equipment and a server and some graphics cards so I'll just say it's for running bitcoin and servers and gaming and I plan on expanding my server bays alot and getting more graphics cards
So then I should get two 30amp 240v lines run to the room? When you say 240v can I still run regular cords to that? The ones that just run regularly into the wall? Or do I need like special plugs for each light
Most electronic ballasts will run on 120 or 220/240. You can get Cord sets for either in the majority of cases. Each voltage has a different plug configuration. And magnetic ballast can run on either. But the wiring in the ballast has be wired to match corresponding voltage with corresponding plug. I would do a bit of basic research on voltage and wiring. Even then it sounds like you should consults an electrician to help. Electricity is nothing to play around with if you don't know what you're doing.
Also if you go the 220/240 route. You can buy a pigtail that will plug into the 220/240 receptacle and split it into two 120 plugs. You'll probably need 120 for exhaust fans and such.
Both pretty much the same when it comes to wiring the circuits. The rest depends on the ballasts and other equipment you choose.
Well I have alot of computer equipment and a server and some graphics cards so I'll just say it's for running bitcoin and servers and gaming and I plan on expanding my server bays alot and getting more graphics cards
The wirehead here told a guy to tell the electric company he was setting up a large server farm. He said between servers and the AC to cool it you can burn a lot of watts and can explain timer settings on smart meters.
No. You want a double 30 amp on a 10 gauge wire running on 240v just for the lights. That will run 5 1k's but no more safely since will be close to 80% load on the 30 amp.
This a great point and something many overlook. Grow ops are a continuous load for 12 or more hours per day. Which will cause a circuit to get quite warm. Pushed to 75-80% is the max.
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Yeah, that's exactly the type of guy you want to let into your house where you will be growing cannabis.

Good luck.
In my case, a couple of pit bulls go a long way in terms of preventing thievery. When they came in to work on my house I made sure they saw them and I put them in a room while they worked. Another good tip is to buy a cheap Jambox and put it by the front door with the radio playing all day long while you're away. Usually, thieves will knock on the front door to see if anyone's home before they break in, if they hear music they will automatically find another house
The wirehead here told a guy to tell the electric company he was setting up a large server farm. He said between servers and the AC to cool it you can burn a lot of watts and can explain timer settings on smart meters.
that was my idea since i have alot of spare computer stuff and an extra server that i use to run.