Its not tough, modern humans just aren't human enough. They try to approach everything like a soulless computer calculator instead of a religious observer of reality. Humanity needs to get back into analogue mentality. Not this pulse modulation, riding-a-bike-up-stairs-because-they-are-closer-and-can-be-counted mindset.
Forumtards will tell you to drop humidity. Backwards. Moving forwards, in a gradual wave-like fashion, you hang your plants, then your slowly restrict them to a higher humidity environment. You dont keep dropping humidity then cram them into tiny jars all of the sudden then pull them back out. You want to stabilize the dry, slowly breaking it's ability to hold water. So slow it doesn't notice anything unnatural has happened.
Curing has nothing to do with evaporation of anything but water. Wet buds aren't a substitute for sticky in my world. The best buds are bone dry and caked up. In the growstore hydro kid world, moisture is used as an imaginary substitute for the caked up property of natural weed. Backwards. The speed of the burn should be controlled by the oil/wax/lipid/acid saturation of the bud, not water content. Same with shelf life. And flavor. Curing is about ths conversion of sugars and starches into the 'cake frosting'. I dont care what it's called in some pseudo science jewish media growbook. You know it when you observe it.
The point I'm trying to make: resin scrapped out of a pipe or dab rig doesn't turn to dust over any observable period of time in a natural setting. Why should your weed? If it's truly quality? Go mix one third dab reclaim into 2/3 powdered lawn clippings and tell me that 30% thc weed down at Discount Dicks Weed Emporium has any excuse to collapse into dust after a week on the shelf. Just stop and think about it. Mix 1/3 motor oil into a 2/3 by weight clump dust. And see if it turns back into dust anytime soon. Youre lost because scammers have financial interest in keeping you guessing, chasing your tail, begging fat Mike at the hydro shop to sell you some magic resin in a bottle after they done stripped it out with all the other bottles. Just like the hair product industry.
If you grow the ornamental snake oil methodology you'll be chasing your own tail until you stop. Trying to turn emaciated oilless bud into sticky icky. You cant turn emaciated waterweed into sticky caked up dank. Its impossible. You cant spray it with honey and get dank. Thats the best the pretend growers can come up with though. As soon as you chop that hydro shit it stops off gassing terpenes. There is nothing stored in the plant. Nothing their to hold it, nothing to convert what is stored even if it was there. Thc and plant fiber is all the modern church of "yield first" is capable of , neither of which contribute much to quality.
Once you move on to growing natural weed then you can have a natural understanding that clears the confusion from your calculative mind and allows the instinct of the heart and soul to take charge. If your stem snapped, your bud is too dry to slam into a jar. If someone told you to wait until the stem snapped, did you bother asking how far it should bend before snapping, 33 degrees? 45 degrees? 90? Do not take advice from those calculator heads who are not religious about their Cannabis and cannot compute real world variables. The definition of religion being to observe nature. Fuck the computer minded number worshippers. Who in the past thousands of years of cultivation knew what a hygrometer was? I know growers who still don't. Still don't know how to use a computer. Their weed is better than anything most will ever see in their life. Grown in free muck most would pay to have removed from their land. Never seen the inside of a hydro scam store. Number worship has replaced nature observance and it'll be the death of the species if it continues at this progressive rate. .