Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Hello! I'm new here.
I submitted my application September 15th & on the 18th I got confirmation that they received my application.
Now it's just a waiting game. From the looks of it I'll be waiting a bit, but I'm happy to have found this site so I know at least a little of what to expect time wise.
Hello! I'm new here.
I submitted my application September 15th & on the 18th I got confirmation that they received my application.
Now it's just a waiting game. From the looks of it I'll be waiting a bit, but I'm happy to have found this site so I know at least a little of what to expect time wise.
Did you mail it in with a signature required? Doctors office submitted mine but they "still dont have it". Wondering if it's just sitting in a pile waiting to be processed or something .
Day 29.

Dr. visit was Aug 30 at MCO .

Called once to see if they had my app and they said no so that scared me a little but it sounds like from everyone here that I just need to be patient which I will be.

Come on November!
When did you call? Mco does sit on their aps for up to ten days, it depends on the day you went, but they usually mail a whole weeks of aps out the following Monday
My card is on the way. I’ll Tell you that there were a couple of mix ups on their end with my card and if I didn’t call they might not have been resolved for another month. So for all the haters out there good luck, but if what happened to me happens to you enjoy the next month or so waiting for no reason instead of calling.
The process of applying is very simple so I can't seem to grasp how the state had a COUPLE mix ups, but alas, I can't help but think it was operator error more than anything.
Submitted my materials via mail on July 23. Just learned my check was cashed on Thursday, September 27. Shouldn't be too long, now, assuming no unexpected hurdles.
Did you mail it in with a signature required? Doctors office submitted mine but they "still dont have it". Wondering if it's just sitting in a pile waiting to be processed or something .
I sent in my part of the paperwork with my fingerprints etc & then called my doctor to let him know & he sent in his part with his signature etc.
I'm assuming they're all just chilling in a bin until they are able to make their way to them. Hopefully yours comes soon!
Did you mail it in with a signature required? Doctors office submitted mine but they "still dont have it". Wondering if it's just sitting in a pile waiting to be processed or something .
Oh you ment when they received it! Yes I did. I wanted to make sure they received it. I didnt want to worry about it getting lost in the mail or never making it there.
No I applied through innovative Express Care did everything there

Ahhh okay. Just trying to gather as much info as possible so I can keep making videos about the different experiences and methods people have used and if the wait time is reduced if you can cut out third parties.
Probly be here wednesday which is day 13 or 14 since i got a call saying approved sent to printers. Day 101 since my last dr visit. Or maybe monday!?
Just thought I'd give a little advice to future applicants that it may be best to wait to December 1st to apply online and get temporary access to meds for 90 days while waiting for card.

On December 1st the new state application system for opioid will (should) launch and create a digital tracking system for opioid alternatives to be activated 24 hours after applying. (exact details may vary) this same system will allow regular medical applicants to get an instant payment confirmation and also use the dispensary after 24hours. This will allow patients to purchase for a total of 90 days using their receipt with application number (exact details may vary). opioid alternative patients will need to reapply and have another prescription after 90 days. Medical patients should be approved by 90 days and card in hand (maybe...). So the application approval period is not changing. Just the application and immediate medication after 24 hours.

Some advice for current applicants waiting for card.

option 1: (best option) after December 1st you can go back to doctor and get an opioid alternative application and get meds while continuing to wait for card.

option 2: (risky and not recommended) apply again online and pay. Get receipt and # and get meds in 24hrs. Cancel check and contact IDPH and let them know the check was canceled and you paid online. You may end up paying bounced check fee's if they don't cancel and fine you. But hey you'll have meds...
Hey everyone I finally got my card.
Here’s my time line.
May 28- Went to MOCA and spoke with their rep
June 24- Doc app and filled out paper work
June 29- Mailed it out
July 6- Mail was received
July 7 to September 7- Dead Silence
July 18 - I cracked and emailed them
July 23- received email that they had my paper work but were looking over info.
July 27- received email that paper work was approved and card would be in hand in 10-14 business days
July 28- Card in hand
So that’s my time line state not very good with relaying info, blame that on way program is designed.
Just thought I'd give a little advice to future applicants that it may be best to wait to December 1st to apply online and get temporary access to meds for 90 days while waiting for card.

I feel like you're assuming this will give faster access to meds, when we don't really know yet how the new provisional access for card applicants will work, either for new applicants or for those with pending applications. The IDPH hasn't issued the new rules yet, yet you're assuming that only new applicants after the rules are issued will be allowed to enjoy provisional status. That's not what the new law says. So unless you're an informed insider (in which case, welcome) the actual details won't be known for certain until the IDPH finishes their administrative rulemaking.

Also, importantly, you also assume that the IDPH will meet its December 1 target to issue the new rules. I hope your confidence is well founded, but given the department's track record on timeliness, I'm more skeptical...

option 1: (best option) after December 1st you can go back to doctor and get an opioid alternative application and get meds while continuing to wait for card.

I don't think this is correct. The opiate program and the cardholder (qualifying conditions) program are not the same, You cannot be in both; you're either one or the other.

"An Opioid Alternative Pilot Program participant shall not be registered as a medical cannabis cardholder."​

Public Act 100-1114, Sec. 62 (e).​

Also, the approval under the opiate program only lasts so long as your doctor decides, not to exceed 90 days. If you need longer (or permanent) pain relief, your doctor needs to re-write and re-submit your mmj recommendation every three months. That's going to be a pain for many patients, no pun intended. So while there are fewer hurdles to get into the opiate program (no IDPH formal approval required), it's also easier to lose your authorization under the opiate program because you're automatically kicked out (after 90 days, or less if your doctor so orders) unless your doctor constantly renews.

Lastly, we don't know yet whether opiate patients even get a card or any other form of permanent ID that identifies them as a legal possessor of weed. Probably not a big deal -- access to the medicine is what really matters, obviously -- but if it were me I'd want the ID to help smooth any encounters with LEOs.

Nothing is going on yet. That's why your check has not cleared yet. "It is being processed in the order it was received". I envision this as stacked in mail bins awaiting attention. I don't think anything is the matter other then it is government. It's going to take as long as it takes. I wouldn't stress too much. They had mine on August 1st and my check has not cleared. Please tell us when yours clears and I do hope it's soon!

Check cleared 9/29/18.