Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Have you done the smart thing and put a lock on your bedroom door for extreme privacy? I could never relax during sex unless I knew the door was locked and a half sleeping child wasn't going to come wandering in. :o
We dont have a door ,,LOL our bedroom is an upstairs loft ,, just stairs . My kids are here every other weekend ,, we suspend our activity for the 2 1/2 days they are here... We have a log home


New Member
I always wanted a log home.

My kids were here always, they felt like freaks in school having parents that were married still. Maybe 2 times a year they would spend the night with a friend each on the same night, woo hoo, crazy loud sex on those nights.


Well-Known Member
I always hated leaving the house and having to lock that door when the kids were home. It was awkward and I really hated it but I knew we had to do it...I am so glad those days are over...
Well my lock came in handy when my son became a teenager. We had some problems with things going missing too. Of course we had to change to a new keyed entry lock then, but we also used it to be private for smoking too.


New Member
When they have teens of their own they'll have a whole new understanding for it. Don't feel awkward about it. In a way it helped them learn don't you think?


Well-Known Member
I don't know. We never talk about it...It was some bad times, I lost a lot of things that were very important to me. It hurt deeply, and they know that. I know they have tremendous guilt, and I can't handle talking about it so it has gone unspoken for years.
When they have teens of their own they'll have a whole new understanding for it. Don't feel awkward about it. In a way it helped them learn don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Ladies like a guy that holds the door open for them. Opens the car door and then shuts it after she gets in. Pull her chair out for her when she sits down. Not too many men are real gentlemen anymore and touching a womans heart will get you way farther.
I agree, but that can be dicey.. I had a post last summer where some cun...sorry lady, gave me shit for holding the door open for her..........:finger:

Maybe because I was on my back looking up her skirt.... JK......:weed:

We dont have a door ,,LOL our bedroom is an upstairs loft ,, just stairs . My kids are here every other weekend ,, we suspend our activity for the 2 1/2 days they are here... We have a log home
Oh...!!.. log home.... I thought you said your OWN LOG.....:fire:


New Member
Really she got mad because you were being nice? What a twunt. (that's half twat and half cunt) I always thank anyone who holds a door for me, it's the polite thing to do.

I do hate when really old people hold the door open, I always feel like I should be the one holding the door, you know?

I agree, but that can be dicey.. I had a post last summer where some cun...sorry lady, gave me shit for holding the door open for her..........:finger:


Well-Known Member
woooo its 8:14am i just got up like 15 minutes ago im gonna hit the bomb any minute now :D ive only got enough for one smoke though so ima keep it in like a damn crack pipe woooo :D


Well-Known Member
I woke up today, went to the shitter and smoked me a jay and a half.

I had a mighty fine afternoon I did.. Of course I didn't wake up until 2pm!!! ahahahaha


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hell no I went to bed early ... Im doing stoner speedballs .. Bong hits and chasing it with coffee............... Good Morning
I have been trying to fight off a cold for a few days now, I think it is starting to win though. I am hoping the bong hits help, lol. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I think I have my first marijuana hangover. I have never had one before, but, I think I do now. I am so lethargic and out of it, I know it was from smoking all day yesterday! So, what to do what to do? I know, smoke again! I am becoming a burn out...