Anyone else use rain water?


Well-Known Member
I recently installed a rain barrel to catch the water coming off my garage eavestrough. Took about an hour of spitting rain to fill up, I was pretty impressed. Then measured the TDS and it read 7 P p.m.
I recently installed a rain barrel to catch the water coming off my garage eavestrough. Took about an hour of spitting rain to fill up, I was pretty impressed. Then measured the TDS and it read 7 P p.m.
So are you asking why it shows some particles after it came off you roof ? or are you asking can you use it?
Only water I have is rain water, my whole house runs off a 10,000 gallon rain water tank.

Not sure of your Question? Its water and better than council water with its horrid taste and additives.
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I use several kinds of rain catchers. Storage totes and buckets under the eves of a shed is the easiest. Tarp "tanks" with tarp "collectors" can be hidden in the woods near the patch. Also really big tarps can be laid on the ground when there is a natural depression and covered with leaves. Looks like another mud hole.
I don't actually have any specific questions, just trying to start a discussion and learn through peoples experiences. I've been using the rain water with my outdoor dwc and haven't had any issues. Are there any cons like bacteria pollutants?
I plant in the ground. So far the dirt has dealt with any issues from that sort of thing. My raincatchers are getting pretty nasty. Lots of leaves and such. I guess this break between the regular and late season would be a good time to clean them out.

This is back in June when it was nice and clean. A lot slimier today.
