Greenpoint seeds!!

You wouldn't even be able to wipe your ass it weren't for truckers.
I don't want argue but I see and hear these kind of comments all the time. Do understand why they line up? Load differentials, engine displacement?
And do you honestly believe that guys that spend yrs of their life on the road have time to mess cage drivers? C'mon now, lol.
And its damn near impossible to "fudge" log books. That shit is all computerized wired into the trucks system. They know when its idling, they know when its running.
The misconceptions that float around one the most highly regulated industry in the US still leaves me baffled.
My old man was a long hauler in the late 60s early 70s, straight as they come didn't even drink. Could stay up for hours on end without help other than coffee. He talked a bit about some of his buddys popping cross tops and black beauties just to keep up. He ran coast to coast and didn't have time to be in anybody's business, always a deadline to meet. Never heard much of them purposely causing grief for others back then.
Things just aren't that way anymore. Truckers are the heart of american hauling and always will be, can't do it all with trains a planes.
I gotta be me. I know I am the weird one.

Tattoos are always a good idea and Harleys are great machines :cuss:

...while I am at the business of ostracizing myself from everyone; I really don’t like football, baseball, watermelon, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, nor cake, generally.

I like pie, Z Chocolat (French), honeydew, MMA, rugby, Audis, cannabis, and pale intellectual women who are into anal and freaky down to their toenails. Your place or mine, honey. *wink* (Note; that was intentionally greasy)

I am not a joyless monster, I merely know what I like and what I don’t.
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The lighting manufacturers are making out like bandits with all the lighting control systems we have to use. Gone are the days (for the most part) of wiring a lighting contactor array to a simple timer or switch. And it extends to plumbing, HVAC and insulating as well. All for the sake of reduced energy loss, which isn't a bad thing, but some of it is over the top in my opinion.

One thing I will say, it's super cool to walk into a large area and have lights turn on individually or in sections as you trip the sensors, auto dimming to compensate for outside light, etc.
When our Swim Center was revamped they put in state of the art lighting control panels that were connected to Sonitrol security system as well. What a fuck show that was, nothing worked right for the first year.
Cali is also on the forefront for changing things that don't work. Then the rest of the country follows. They started the whole legalizing weed thing with their medical in 1996 way before anyone else did.
Well there's one I would agree with for sure, Oregon followed 2 years later I believe.
You wouldn't even be able to wipe your ass it weren't for truckers. They may not "own the road" but they do keep this country moving.

I don't want argue but I see and hear these kind of comments all the time. Do understand why they line up? Load differentials, engine displacement?
And do you honestly believe that guys that spend yrs of their life on the road have time to mess cage drivers? C'mon now, lol.
And its damn near impossible to "fudge" log books. That shit is all computerized and wired into the trucks system. They know when its idling, they know when its running and at what speeds.
The misconceptions that float around one the most highly regulated industries in the US still leaves me baffled.

I stand by what I said. They save countless lives every yr and they're never recognized for their efforts.
posted a link for ya, your welcome
that city is the one closing down the CBD sellers. MO cops don't need a reason to pull you over and they'll try the license plate light out, then when next to your car, why your eyes so red, whats that I smell, etc. Reason is so many dumb motherfuckers are driving around with no ins, expired tags, etc. And I44 is a main thoroughfare for transporting. But the speeding, or crossing center lane, or any of your lights out, liable to be talkin to em. Powers that be aren't liking that its looking like MO will pass their MMJ law, by the size of the movement, etc. Thanks to Oregon, whose model they tried to copy, and Dan Viets, who I hate NORML, but he's been on that board for so long, he's finally trying to do it right.
MO is an absolute Nazi state when it comes to anything cannabis related. I always tell people it’s a great place to be from, just a horrible place to be.
View attachment 4207447
I gotta be me. I know I am the weird one.

Tattoos are always a good idea and Harleys are great machines :cuss:

...while I am at the business of ostracizing myself from everyone; I really don’t like football, baseball, watermelon, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, nor cake, generally.

I like pie, Dove chocolate, honeydew, MMA, rugby, Audis, cannabis, and pale intellectual women who are into anal and freaky down to their toenails.

I am not a joyless monster, I merely know what I like and what I don’t.

Definitely don't like tattoos or Harley's, and I love Frank Zappa. Just so happens that my girlfriend is pale and freaky as hell. And I have to say I like it.
Definitely don't like tattoos or Harley's, and I love Frank Zappa. Just so happens that my girlfriend is pale and freaky as hell. And I have to say I like it.
I see you, brother, haha!
I bet I hurt ol Amos Otis’ feelers a bit, he probably loves his Harleys and tattoos, also baseball given the namesake. I know I have very unfashionable views for sharing openly in public, I have been in fisticuffs over them before.
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I like tattoos and hate the Harley lifestyle. I won't own a Harley because I can't afford the required fashion accessories. All the fucking accountants who bought a Harley now have black leather vests and chaps to go with their non full-face helmets. And suddenly these fucks need the loudest exhaust to make up for their formerly meek demeanor. These legit ass bikers now got attitude and a whole brotherhood of riders in their posse.

Sorry if I offended anyone here with that.

Edit: My last bike was a zx12r built by Dynojet that was an honest 200+ mph bike and I never got a ticket on it. I still own a couple 1977 Yamaha RD400 two strokes collectibles (cafe styled out).
My dad passed away last year, and I miss him terribly. My mom this past spring, and her also. He was a long haul over the road trucker for 35 years, and provided for his 3 kids and stay at home wife while being gone most of the time, and in bed sleeping the majority of his time at home. During a trucker's strike [ his company did not support the union's position and forced them to drive or be fired ] he took a cinder block thru the windshield to his shoulder thrown from an overpass. Another time, he was in a sleeper bed while his partner was driving, and two women having had too many drinks crossed the white line and front ended them. The two women died; his partner never worked again. Just a couple anecdotes.

Like all professions, a$$holes are in there. But truckers by and large earned the reputation for being guardians of the highways. It was a trucker that spotted and reported the DC sniper, I believe. That said, I've seen and been the recipient of some incredibly stupid and dangerous actions by truckers. Almost like some of those a$$holes driving cars.
I feel like I could've written some of this. Sorry about your parents. Both of mine are gone too and I miss them terribly.
And I've had a lot near misses. Many while on my bike and most due to cars.
My old man was a long hauler in the late 60s early 70s, straight as they come didn't even drink. Could stay up for hours on end without help other than coffee. He talked a bit about some of his buddys popping cross tops and black beauties just to keep up. He ran coast to coast and didn't have time to be in anybody's business, always a deadline to meet. Never heard much of them purposely causing grief for others back then.
Things just aren't that way anymore. Truckers are the heart of american hauling and always will be, can't do it all with trains a planes.
Those earlier decades were so rough on drivers.
You and Amos have hit the nail on the head with your posts.
Umm OK? Lane restrictions have been around for a long time.
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I like tattoos and hate the Harley lifestyle. I won't own a Harley because I can't afford the required fashion accessories. All the fucking accountants who bought a Harley now have black leather vests and chaps to go with their non full-face helmets. And suddenly these fucks need the loudest exhaust to make up for their formerly meek demeanor. These legit ass bikers now got attitude and a whole brotherhood of riders in their posse.

Sorry if I offended anyone here with that.

Edit: My last bike was a zx12r built by Dynojet that was an honest 200+ mph bike and I never got a ticket on it. I still own a couple 1977 Yamaha RD400 two strokes collectibles (cafe styled out).
OMG, don't even get me started on the new midlife crisis bikers with a credit card.
Posers that even go so far as to buy gear that has a worn out look to appear as though they're not fair weather riders.
But on that note. I have a couple Harleys. My first, an 85 FXR and 2012 Dyna. I like and prefer my FXR but I will ride anything. As long as it starts I'm good to go. They're all fun.
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View attachment 4207447
...while I am at the business of ostracizing myself from everyone; I really don’t like football, baseball, watermelon, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, nor cake, generally.

I like pie, Dove chocolate, honeydew, MMA, rugby, Audis, cannabis, and pale intellectual women who are into anal and freaky down to their toenails. Your place or mine, honey. *wink* (Note; that was intentionally greasy)

I am not a joyless monster, I merely know what I like and what I don’t.

JK, I love your posts even if you are a lil freaky deeky.
I like tattoos and hate the Harley lifestyle. I won't own a Harley because I can't afford the required fashion accessories. All the fucking accountants who bought a Harley now have black leather vests and chaps to go with their non full-face helmets. And suddenly these fucks need the loudest exhaust to make up for their formerly meek demeanor. These legit ass bikers now got attitude and a whole brotherhood of riders in their posse.

Sorry if I offended anyone here with that.

Edit: My last bike was a zx12r built by Dynojet that was an honest 200+ mph bike and I never got a ticket on it. I still own a couple 1977 Yamaha RD400 two strokes collectibles (cafe styled out).
The ones who get tattoos are actually bikers.
Dont see many any more

Weekend warrior bikers are dentist and chiropractors and shit.they collect coffee mugs and t shirts.ask if a tattoo is gonna hurt wearing a patch.there all over the place a dime a dozen.
The ones who get tattoos are actually bikers.
Dont see many any more

Weekend warrior bikers are dentist and chiropractors and shit.they collect coffee mugs and t shirts.ask if a tattoo is gonna hurt wearing a patch.there all over the place a dime a dozen.
I’m always impressed by the amount of people I see in the airport with full sleeves. Nothing for it or against it, but I imagine the tattoo business is fairly lucrative these days.
I feel like I could've written some of this. Sorry about your parents. Both of mine are gone too and I miss them terribly.
And I've had a lot near misses too. Many while on my bike and most due cars.

Those earlier decades were so rough on drivers.
You and Amos have hit the nail on the head with your posts.

Umm OK? Lane restrictions have been around for a long time.
fair enough, gal, many but not all truckers don't honor those, I guess that was my point and the fact they've have to come out in the state and make multiple advertisements on the news is all. You win, lol, I don't want to argue with ya, I like your posts too much. Peace and karma.
The ones who get tattoos are actually bikers.
Dont see many any more

Weekend warrior bikers are dentist and chiropractors and shit.they collect coffee mugs and t shirts.ask if a tattoo is gonna hurt wearing a patch.there all over the place a dime a dozen.
OMG, I lived in WI, and all I heard was the weekend warriors, the riders with helmets or not and Angles or Outlaw territory. And I like Indians. lol
My dad passed away last year, and I miss him terribly. My mom this past spring, and her also. He was a long haul over the road trucker for 35 years, and provided for his 3 kids and stay at home wife while being gone most of the time, and in bed sleeping the majority of his time at home. During a trucker's strike [ his company did not support the union's position and forced them to drive or be fired ] he took a cinder block thru the windshield to his shoulder thrown from an overpass. Another time, he was in a sleeper bed while his partner was driving, and two women having had too many drinks crossed the white line and front ended them. The two women died; his partner never worked again. Just a couple anecdotes.

Like all professions, a$$holes are in there. But truckers by and large earned the reputation for being guardians of the highways. It was a trucker that spotted and reported the DC sniper, I believe. That said, I've seen and been the recipient of some incredibly stupid and dangerous actions by truckers. Almost like some of those a$$holes driving cars.
Just another instance were " there's good and bad in everything" . We have a lawyer here and i see his commercials all the time stating or comparing truck drivers to monsters, can't remember exactly how he words it. But I have several friends that are truck drivers and there heavily monitored. My buddy said they knew everything he did , speeding , sleeping, picking his nose, just like they were sitting in the truck with him. But like I said there's good and bad but most truck drivers are better and more responsible than a lot of us are, because they have to be.