Well experiment away. In about six months when you start asking why your 18 hour of light per day plants are not flowering, then you will have answered yourself. If you really want to play around, try 14 hours of light and 12 hours of night. They will still probably flower but it may take an extra week or two to reach harvest. Weigh the odds. Is the extra week or two of electricity really worth the extra harvest you MAY gain?
Well experiment away. In about six months when you start asking why your 18 hour of light per day plants are not flowering, then you will have answered yourself. If you really want to play around, try 14 hours of light and 12 hours of night. They will still probably flower but it may take an extra week or two to reach harvest. Weigh the odds. Is the extra week or two of electricity really worth the extra harvest you MAY gain?
I'm kind of curious what 24 hours on 24 hours off would do.
Well experiment away. In about six months when you start asking why your 18 hour of light per day plants are not flowering, then you will have answered yourself. If you really want to play around, try 14 hours of light and 12 hours of night. They will still probably flower but it may take an extra week or two to reach harvest. Weigh the odds. Is the extra week or two of electricity really worth the extra harvest you MAY gain?

I'm not in NEED of a bigger harvest just CURIOUS to see what will happen... If the result is a bigger or even a smaller harvest so be it I'm just plain curious about the possibilities regardless of the outcome. How can it be considered a failed experiment if I have the time and resources to dick around with??? I certainly am glad that the Joint Doctor didn't listen to the criticism of his day or else we wouldn't have autoflowers today...
Yes. but cannabis plants trigger flowering by giving them long nights and shorter days. What you are proposing is going against the nature of how the plant produces the hormones that trigger flowering.
Yes. but cannabis plants trigger flowering by giving them long nights and shorter days. What you are proposing is going against the nature of how the plant produces the hormones that trigger flowering.

That's my point exactly!!! I hear that flowering is triggered by long nights as opposed to shorter days so if the shorter day doesn't play a roll in triggering flowering perhaps it wouldn't play a role in un-triggering it....

And until someone points me to some concrete evidence stating otherwise I think it's worth trying.
Besides, when it comes to cultivation cannabis growers have THE MOST UNNATURAL GROWING TECHNIQUES around.....

24hr vegging period
Self pollination
Automatic flowering

You got it all wrong. It's the combination of longer nights AND shorter days. It's a 24 hour cycle. That plants have been on a 24 hour schedule for eons. All the plant is going to see is long days, which means it's not time to flower yet. It's a combination of the two, not just one factor. If you want 18hour days just grow Auto's. They do great with 18/6 or 20/4.

I think you actually need to start doing some reading on the subject so you can better understand it. Here are some free books you can download. Pot Books/

Maybe we can get @Dr. Who to chime in and explain it to you so you can understand.
You got it all wrong. It's the combination of longer nights AND shorter days. It's a 24 hour cycle. That plants have been on a 24 hour schedule for eons.

If that's the case then it would mean that the information I came across is not entirely factual. From my understanding it was the uninterrupted/elongated dark period that triggered flowering and not the shortened/lack of light period.

But if they BOTH play a factor then it would be redundant to even try such an experiment as the elongated dark period would trigger flowering hormones only to have the elongated day trigger vegetative hormones which would eventually freak the plant out and cause hermaphroditism.

But is that the case?
As a fellow experimental grower that has tried more light cycles then most people on here I can say 100% that the majority of today’s hybrids will not flower with more then 14 hours of light regardless how long of a dark period you give them and if they do you would be giving yourself an extended grow period which is the opposite of what indoor growers should strive for.
I usually tell people if they are curious and don’t want to take anyone else’s word on something to go for it but I think this would be an experiment of stubbornness with no gain in the end.
If you want to try something out of the norm I could happily recommend a few cycles but none would be with extra light hours.
If that's the case then it would mean that the information I came across is not entirely factual.

As a fellow experimental grower that has tried more light cycles then most people on here I can say 100% that the majority of today’s hybrids will not flower with more then 14 hours of light regardless how long of a dark period you give them and if they do you would be giving yourself an extended grow period which is the opposite of what indoor growers should strive for.
I usually tell people if they are curious and don’t want to take anyone else’s word on something to go for it but I think this would be an experiment of stubbornness with no gain in the end.
If you want to try something out of the norm I could happily recommend a few cycles but none would be with extra light hours.
So do you think an equatorial sativa would flower with the long day long night?

I know you done a lot of light cycles but hadn't seen a long day long night.

I have tried a gradual "natural" transition from veg to flower, I do not think it is benificial and am likely to abandon it.

I have grown lights on at night, the plants don't seem to "know" the difference.

My gut agrees but I would push tt's limit by an hour because I had a couple plants start to flower at 15/9 it was bagseed so entirely possible it was auto and I didn't know.
So do you think an equatorial sativa would flower with the long day long night?

I know you done a lot of light cycles but hadn't seen a long day long night.

I have tried a gradual "natural" transition from veg to flower, I do not think it is benificial and am likely to abandon it.

I have grown lights on at night, the plants don't seem to "know" the difference.

My gut agrees but I would push tt's limit by an hour because I had a couple plants start to flower at 15/9 it was bagseed so entirely possible it was auto and I didn't know.
Back when I used the gaslight routine most of the indica dom stuff would start to flower.
The sativa dom stuff I’m guessing would be in the 13-15 hour window.
I didn’t try much extended day stuff since my goal was to shorten flower and use less energy not use more.
I just noticed that there are people who sell various strains in clone form on OfferUp. Just may buy a couple in order to expedite this somewhat foolish adventure of mine... And yes I did say adventure as opposed to venture as this is all in the name of fun I must reiterate that. I've got a couple of those cheap tents from ebay that have been lying around for a while so I may just put one to use.

And speaking of OfferUp, for those of you who do not frequent those sites/apps that let you buy & sell locally (e.g. OfferUp, Close5, Letgo, 5Miles) I urge you to give em' a try because there are a wealth of people on those sites who are looking to sell, trade, and buy any and all things related to horticulture. I buy so much good stuff on those sites, for dirt cheap sometimes. My biggest haul to date was from the site Letgo. Man I'm still pinching myself to this day due to that sell. Some guy had to move to Bali asap and I ended up getting the motherload for only $120 bucks!!!!