Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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Well-Known Member
Man Now Im really pissed
I harvested early because I was getting Bud Rot
Now I find it is some of the best tasting smoke I ever grew (not the strongest)
I just pulled the roots expecting to find some type of browning to them
Nothing................. Giant white root ball
I could have let her grow another 3 weeks and had buds like yours bro.
Oh well at least I saved the weed.
Maybe Next time


Well-Known Member
Just got woked. lol. Feeling mighty sprye considering!

'If this dog do you bite, soon as out of your bed, take a hair of the tail the next day."


lol. I know I said it a few times

Yo, Viz...Nice bush ya got there !...well groomed,LOL
Ok! Viz it is!

Baby Faced Spinster
Remember Finster baby

Oh Yeah! Buggs is pissing himself!

OK now a Grow Question...
Have any of you ever known a Sativa plant to CHANGE it's aroma drastically, during Late Flower ? I mean like after almost full bud development,that is...?
Yes. I've had that happen with just about any strain. The real problem is when the smell drops off, I know I've taken them too far

Had to go to Doc's this am
While there the dog went crazy tried to jump out the window while I sat in the parking lot
I figure well its a bird, no he needed to poop
Never saw him go crazy like this LOL
Got him out walked him 5 ft and woosh brown on the ground.
\Good thing he would have gotten the leather seat
That dog aint no dummy. Mine runs to the grass, before getting in for a ride. 13 years of conditioning. He will also piss and shit on command, which is great when we at a motel. He'll only "make" on grass or grass like areas. He's really got to go, if its on pavement

No Free Pictures. rotflmao!

Mr Viz
getting close to Chop time

Oh yeah! We be so, so close
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