Manchin is going to vote for Kavanaugh

this picture reminds me that we have an unprofessional angry partisan drunk on SCOTUS since i wouldn't have been hired had i displayed those traits during MY JOB also reminds me that elections have consequences when you stay home.

Does that mean you finally found a new job after getting laid off?
please remind me how often does manchin votes against his party?
Sky, I hate to break this to you but most of the country is more conservative than California. Manchin is pro-union, pro-ACA, pro-Social Security, pro-medicare and medicaid. The Republican that would replace him would be none of those.

This is not a defense of Manchin, it is recognition of reality. West Virginia may one day be more liberal but that is not today. Why not focus Progressive(TM) ire on Republicans in states that oppose the end of Roe-v Wade.
Sky, I hate to break this to you but most of the country is more conservative than California. Manchin is pro-union, pro-ACA, pro-Social Security, pro-medicare and medicaid. The Republican that would replace him would be none of those.

This is not a defense of Manchin, it is recognition of reality. West Virginia may one day be more liberal but that is not today. Why not focus Progressive(TM) ire on Republicans in states that oppose the end of Roe-v Wade.

i hate to break it to YOU but Roe was one of those non-answers from Kavalcoholic.
Does the bipartisan vote for Kavanaugh show that the resistance is weakening and the country is starting to come together again? I sure hope so, so many nice people here. I look forward to us all supporting one another and lifting each other up.
Translation: "I haven't left this section - I've just left this section"

Funny thing Tty, you are so unoriginal that any time somebody uses an epithet about you, you immediately repeat it. For example, I called you a fraud (which you are, a sloppy one at that) and in your next post you use it to describe Manchin. I could find a dozen examples of this. You must have the emotional mien of a teenager.

How's that Novichok dissent movement going, mountain man?
Was there an argument in here?

Or just more peurile whining?
Sky, I hate to break this to you but most of the country is more conservative than California. Manchin is pro-union, pro-ACA, pro-Social Security, pro-medicare and medicaid. The Republican that would replace him would be none of those.

This is not a defense of Manchin, it is recognition of reality. West Virginia may one day be more liberal but that is not today. Why not focus Progressive(TM) ire on Republicans in states that oppose the end of Roe-v Wade.
You like to ignore the facts, so there's no point in reminding you that the rest of the country is far more progressive than those who purport to 'represent' them.

That's what happens when we let money decide the nominees.

It's too bad you think runaway political corruption is okay just because they legalised it.
i have to have faith in John Roberts to whip that puke into shape because now kavanaugh will be with his peer group who are all equal in nature and can tell him what they really think as part of 'the club'..he may need a could be a little bullies allowed.

gorsuch has received a rolled-up newspaper to his nose already.
Was there an argument in here?

Or just more peurile whining?
Awww, how cute. Did somebody call you puerile recently? They should have told you how to spell it. Maybe it was verbal. Did mom and dad give you a lecture before doling out your monthly allowance?

Have you misheard any early reports for your "homework" Tty?

How's that novichok dissent movement going?

Are you actually going to vote in the general election this time unlike the primaries?
You like to ignore the facts, so there's no point in reminding you that the rest of the country is far more progressive than those who purport to 'represent' them.

That's what happens when we let money decide the nominees.

It's too bad you think runaway political corruption is okay just because they legalised it.
That's what YOU KEEP TELLING US (!!!), mountain man. But election results suggest that you are a bag of wind.
no one mentioned bernie..why do you hate bernie so much?
Nobody here really hates Bernie. If you live next to a vacant lot where a bunch of hopeless, worthless junkies gather, and those junkies are doing irreparable damage to the community - you complain about the vacant lot even if the real problem is the junkies. Getting rid of the vacant lot doesn't get rid of the junkies, it just disperses them and the damage they are doing.

Likewise, Bernie isn't really the problem. He is just the gathering place for people who have made bad choices and continue to exercise poor judgement.