REP WARS! (Mindfuck!)


Well-Known Member
Yea the second one has a teddy ber watching her in the window and the gym one has some kinda weird white n grey hoode monster or something standing among the machins on the left


Well-Known Member


No, we said Goatse.

check this link out, then look at the zelda picture, and look at the thing above the door.

Oh god, my eyes are burning! I had no idea what you guys were talking about, clicked the link...and now I wish I hadn't.

What's with all the lame ones? I don't post them unless I can see them myself. And I think all the ones with a face or a bear or a whatever the fuck hidden in them are LAME.

I think the photoshopped ones suck, I like the actual pictures with funny shit caught in them. Like the girl posing with a shit in the toilet, lmao.


Well-Known Member

Oh god, my eyes are burning! I had no idea what you guys were talking about, clicked the link...and now I wish I hadn't.

What's with all the lame ones? I don't post them unless I can see them myself. And I think all the ones with a face or a bear or a whatever the fuck hidden in them are LAME.

I think the photoshopped ones suck, I like the actual pictures with funny shit caught in them. Like the girl posing with a shit in the toilet, lmao.
check out this one.

I'm surprised you haven't seen these..



Well-Known Member
you can thank me later for the girl with the toilet :) :P
I clicked that link, it was a saddd link :(
that ones pretty good, my friend thought it was the snow globe on the floor :P it is oddly out of place, and the only clean thing in there, but thats a different story