Mold is gone...or is it?


Well-Known Member
just finished drying and in the process of curing my outdoor harvest. As with most in the NE this season, I had some issues with mold just before harvest. I was careful to clip off all tainted buds and then found a few more while trimming. Hung my branches to dry and when getting ready to cure found more moldy buds...albeit very little and it was hard to detect without a close eye.

My question is, I can be almost certain there are some mold spores tucked inside some of the buds in my jars. Now that they are dry, I can’t see them spreading/growing but what about smoking? Is this a concern? I’m sure I’m not the only one dealing with this.


Well-Known Member
just finished drying and in the process of curing my outdoor harvest. As with most in the NE this season, I had some issues with mold just before harvest. I was careful to clip off all tainted buds and then found a few more while trimming. Hung my branches to dry and when getting ready to cure found more moldy buds...albeit very little and it was hard to detect without a close eye.

My question is, I can be almost certain there are some mold spores tucked inside some of the buds in my jars. Now that they are dry, I can’t see them spreading/growing but what about smoking? Is this a concern? I’m sure I’m not the only one dealing with this.
any thing grown outdoor will have mold spores on it,every time u take a breath in, u r inhaling mole spores any healthy person should be fine smoking it


Well-Known Member
The problem is mold certain kinds are very dangerous. My uncle owned rental properties few years back. One tenant wasnt such a clean person. And didnt pay his rent. So he was evicted. Left a bunch of stuff. Couch chairs clothes you name it. But anyway when they pulled the couch out away from the wall. There was mold every where all through the couch. All over the back of it. So they took everything outside. Burnt the couch. He stood by keeping check on the fire as it burnt. Few days later he got extremely sick. Went to the doctor. The burning of the couch with mold does not kill mold spores. He inhaled the smoke as it went in his face n whatnot. His lungs got an infection on the inside. From the mold spores. And he passed away. From the infection in his lungs. He was 43 years old. With 4 kids. So to me there is no question if it has mold throw it out. Now I'm not saying your gonna die from smoking herb that may have mold in it. But mold burning can kill you.


Well-Known Member

I don’t know if there’s any cases of healthy people dying from smoking moldy weed. Regardless, I’d like to avoid it.


Well-Known Member
Here’s a there’s been scientific studies done on the physical/physiological effects of THC/pot on the human brain, body, etc but there’s been no scientific studies done on the effects of moldy of the most prevalent issues with this plant...makes no sense. Can’t find a documented study anywhere...just opinions, rumours and hearsay.