Just built cloner 7 days no roots

Wow thanks for the feedback back I have a 15 min intervul timer. So should I go 15mim on 45 off. Or do 45 on 15 off. Or just keep it on the entire time. My water temp hasn't been hot at all
Try continuous unless the water goes over 80 :)
Clones like it warm but they can mush out on ya if its too warm
Those roots look great, especially at 9 days, good work @BobBitchen

I have a Power Cloner 77 in progress right now. First Roots showed on day 13. I am on day 15 today.

The whole idea of using a cloning machine is so intriguing. Automate Automate Automate :))))

I have read lots on setup of these machines, and will continue to try to up my game with future cycles.
Everything rooted. It's all about patience. I'm happy I built my clone bucket. It. Cost like 30 dollar better than some of the stuff I've seen online for 80-160
30 on 30 off just sounds crazy to me! Too much time with no oxygen rich solution! I run mine 24/7 always have. I get 100%. Most have roots in first 5-7 days some take a few more days, but they all go. If I was you I'd shelf that timer, and run continuously. You don't want your solution to spike over 70 degrees Fahrenheit. (I do have a small computer type fan built into the side to keep heat down, but it doesn't do much if anything) Good luck
My understanding is that higher temps, up to 74 at least, are better for cloning? Obviously you have to run a sterile system to achieve healthy roots with those temps though. I've ve also read that ph doesn't matter till there are roots showing?

Is this totally wrong?
Can clones started in a cloner like this be transplanted to soil?
Yes. I use to do it all the time with no ill effect on the plants. Just hold the plant about where you want it in the pot with one hand and fill the pot with dirt with the other. Water it in good and give it plenty of light. Then you off and running.
I've read but have no experience that the longer you allow the roots to get the more accustomed to that medium they become.

Just read it multiple places but no personal experience!
In a aero cloner I consider water the medium but not the right word to use. After that the medium could be any number of things. I'm sure there's an appropriate term but that's what I used, sorry!
I'll have to check out aero cloners. Don't know anything about them. My first 4 clones are in the grow room now and doing fine. They came from plant I'm mainlining and about 3 inches high. Never did that before either.
If you can't afford an expensive digital timer you can go with a cheap digital timer and a $5, 40 amp, 12 vdc relay, that can be found in most automotive departments.. Any 12 vdc plug in adapter can be used to trigger the relay. This works for lights also. Overloading a digital timer usually causes it to lose its memory.

I still use a cloning bin with no moving parts.