$79.45 per gram legal weed in Ontario?

What a shitty setup for a site. Doesn't even list the quantity. Really, really bad website.

Turns out if you scroll down the page past the advertising for accessories they tell you the quantity. Really terrible website. I'm not going to waste my time clicking on shit after scrolling through 7 pages to find the page where you can buy a quarter oz and then have to click on each one individually to find out the details. Like holy shit the black market has way better web designs and layouts! OCB sucks goat balls!
Turns out if you scroll down the page past the advertising for accessories they tell you the quantity. Really terrible website. I'm not going to waste my time clicking on shit after scrolling through 7 pages to find the page where you can buy a quarter oz and then have to click on each one individually to find out the details. Like holy shit the black market has way better web designs and layouts! OCB sucks goat balls!

Its shopify that's why the design is shitty, its designed mostly for phones, I can't believe people use that shit for their own stores especially stores with categories and 100's of products.
No idea what thats about but literally every other product on there functions normally. Click your strain then select the quantity. Information is just above add to cart, amount in grams listed there as well. It could also be your browser. I had to switch to get it to display properly on my phone.
It should list the quantity on the main browsing page, you should not have to click into each product to find out if the price listed on the main page represents a half quarter or quarter etc. Perfect example is after clicking through 5 pages of dried flowers:

5pages in.JPG

Are these per gram or per 3.5? You don't know until you click them, wasting my time.
The whole legal market is a total mish-mash of useless crap. The Alberta online site won't let you get details of the pot you want to see unless you are verified first so you can log in. Homie don't play dat!

You can see the useless, made-up names of the strains on offer and the price per gram or 1/8th but no other details. No search listings for something like CBD strains either if they even offer them. Outrageous bootleg pricing that won't last long once all the LPs furiously trying to get up to speed finally get there and flood the already bloated market.

Got stocks in pot farms? Sell soon.

Supposed to be a legal source for seeds but didn't see any on offer either.

The sheeple lined up and waited online or at the few stores open in the morning for their schwag but you'll never see me there. Ever.

Reefer Madness is alive and well! :)
Round here 8th is American, lol. We use half-quarter.

Where the fug is that? Never heard that in Canada ever and I've been in the pot scene for 50 years.

Started with nickel bags, dime bags, lids then into 1/8ths, 1/4s, halfs and OZees. Even the lbs we bought in '68 were kilo bricks sawed in half with a bread knife back in the day. Hacksaw if here were chunks of mainstems in the brick. :D
Where are you? Been smoking for 40 years and this is the first time I ever heard the term "half a quarter". I've lived and bought weed in Ontario, Alberta and BC and 3.5g has always been an eighth .
Ive also heard it used almost exclusively in Northwest Ontario. It wasn't until I moved to Southern Ontario I started hearing an 1/8th being used.
a quarter oh and dime bags and nickel bags lol
a quad
a half
an O
a few grams

never used 1/8 in my friggin life lol..its four grams or nothing .... its always a quarter...nothing less when yer a kid...

where the fuck did half a friggin gram come from...whose fuckin idea was that lol selling feature? PLEASE....

talk about CHEAP lmaorotff sorry .,.just me and to many dabs
a quarter oh and dime bags and nickel bags lol
a quad
a half
an O
a few grams

never used 1/8 in my friggin life lol..its four grams or nothing .... its always a quarter...nothing less when yer a kid...

where the fuck did half a friggin gram come from...whose fuckin idea was that lol selling feature? PLEASE....

talk about CHEAP lmaorotff sorry .,.just me and to many dabs
Are they selling it in half grams?
I can't go on the site as I may implode and vaporize.
Lol, I probably eat a few grams of green weed flowers a day. They are really juicy when they are still all white pistils with no bitterness..
It motivates me to keep trimming off popcorn. I still think it is whacky how much weed still sells for indifferent quality buds.