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you can gt those chaeper on eay that you ever will from a weed website. they're used silkscreen frames, a lot of silkscreen shops throw ones that small away
The bubble man screens are made from stranded metal. Little more ridged and they work great in cold temps. My buddy has a set i was playing with last winter. Great results .. I just cant afford the price tag. The ones from wackybags are a little cheaper but are also nice... they have solid reviews. I've never checked out Ebay for screens .. my dry ice bag came off Amazon and I've been using it for 3 seasons now. 180 micron.
The bubble man screens are made from stranded metal. Little more ridged and they work great in cold temps. My buddy has a set i was playing with last winter. Great results .. I just cant afford the price tag. The ones from wackybags are a little cheaper but are also nice... they have solid reviews. I've never checked out Ebay for screens .. my dry ice bag came off Amazon and I've been using it for 3 seasons now. 180 micron.

the nice aluminum ones in 6 packs for around 100 are a pretty good deal. if you have a friend or two you can talk into it, you can buy them in a couple of grades and split them up.