Seedling Problems! =[


Well-Known Member
We don't have a Hydro store here.. I don't want to have to order soil or anything online.. What soil should I buy at Wal-Mart MG ?



Well-Known Member
You can make your own. My mix is equal parts perlite, peat moss and mushroom compsot/cow manure. Don't get the peat moss and perlite made by miracle grow, you don't want any nutes in the soil. I add 1 tablespoon of dolomite/garden lime per gallon of mix. As for nutrients try some terracycle earthworm fert.


Well-Known Member
u can go to your local Lowes or Home depot and buy some organic soil... or if u have a Fox Farm store near you and get some ocean organic soil


Well-Known Member
well if u dont have a lowes or home depot in your area go with miracle Grow if u can find the miracle Grow Organic Kind go with that ...


New Member
First thing....from now on only use bottled water or distilled water from the store,its Ph neutral.Then go to PetSmart and buy some coco coir..its in the reptile bedding section,its called Bed-A-beast,buy only a get some plastic beer cups..start some new seeds,or continue growing this one out..i used to have the same problem..the seedling stayed tiny,never grew..i think it was the tap water..cus now i only give em bottled water,and theyr growing alot faster,and healthier.

also,look into organic nutes like bloodmeal,and bat guano...order it from ebay.

buy some superthrive,t has oevr 50 vitamins and otet shit to really make the plants explode with growth!!

any toher questions..


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf:well unless u wanna make your own soil mix or order some from online.. or if u have a fox Farm store near you.. get Ocean Forest is a 100% organic soil that contains fertilizers....has a blend of composted forest humus, selected peat mosses, earthworm castings, bat guano, and micronutrients...thats what im using and my plants loving it:weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Crazy Outlaw you really had the same problem with tiny plants ? I have probably wasted atleast 5 seeds cause they all get to this point and barely grow and have thing weak stems.



Well-Known Member
I have a good size fan blowing on it. The stem hasn't gotten any thicker but it just seems to be growing very slow I can look in the middle of the plant and see new leaves emerging but it seems really small for 24 days..

ALSO: If you look at the pic could it be yellowing and small because my pot is too small for it ?



Well-Known Member
it's time to transplant that seedling into a big pot ... so the roots can spread out and explore new soil .....once you do that it should start taking off ...when i did my first grow i had my seedling in a lil pot for a lil bit over 2 weeks ...once i transplanted it really took off.... get some Organic soil for it...your plants will love it


Well-Known Member
i bought some soil called "Expert" at walmart which will feed plants for 9 months and I am impresssed at the way my mothers are growing...


Well-Known Member
stay away from time realeased nutes in the soil, If you start a seedling in it it will get fried. Stick with water soluble nutrients and soil with no nutes.


New Member
Crazy Outlaw you really had the same problem with tiny plants ? I have probably wasted atleast 5 seeds cause they all get to this point and barely grow and have thing weak stems.

Yes,my seedlings stayed very small,with small wasnt the light either,cus I had them under the full Fl sun for the day,then brought them in under 3 CFL's in the night..this was for around 3- weeks...and they still were about 2-3 inches tall,with small leaves,and no "true" couldve been the genetics too...but now Im growing bagseed,and they are growing alot faster,healthier now.

1.Use bottled water,or distilled water.Tap water contians all tyopes of chemicals,and has a high Ph.

2.Use coco coir wth perlite as the medium.It has been proven to grow plants ALOT faster,and healthier than soil.Water every day,and after 2 weeks,sprinkle the top with some bat guano or other high nitrogen fertilizer...

3.Look into can find t on ebay for about 5-10 dollars..its really good,and has aot of vitamins for the plant.

4.Use "daylight"bulbs for veg,and "soft white"for flowering....
Make sure a gentle breeze hits the plants too,this will make the roots and stem stronger.

5.Look into H.I.D's...atleast a 400...and if you can manage et a m.h conversion youre ready to grow!!