Urgent help need befor they die


Soils way too wet
That's because i just watered them
Soil was way to dry think it was not watering them enough.
I was watering every day and someone said that was to much so I did not water yesterday and this morning this so think I will be going back to watering every day as you can see the pots they are in are very small and can't hold alot off water


Well-Known Member
That's because i just watered them
Soil was way to dry think it was not watering them enough.
I was watering every day and someone said that was to much so I did not water yesterday and this morning this so think I will be going back to watering every day as you can see the pots they are in are very small and can't hold alot off water
Gotcha really watering is an as needed thing usually wait till the soil is dry then water if it dries out in a day then a day it is if it is from under watering they’ll spring back up quick usually.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot it's my first time so I new I would have some problems you can only do so much research and reading in the end you just have to try and fail again thanks for reply I'll post again in a couple off days and hope they come back
Your exactly right man, I always learn more from my mistakes then my successes keep chipping away you’ll get a feel hope they make a comeback


Hi, I'd let the medium dry out for a couple of days, the biggest and most common mistake I and plenty of others make at the start is to over water. Even in coco watering a small amount every day gave me issues. Now i water by pot weight- when the "lightness" of the pot surprises you, its time.
Try to not let any of your babies "lie-down" onto your soil, prop up if necessary with a chopstick or such like as well, as ones that do that don't make it or get badly stunted.
Enjoy your growing adventures :)


I think it is not watering enough I did what you and people said and stopped watering every day
But as soon as I missed a day next morning this happend my pots are tiny as you can see so I think I need to keep watering everyday and hopefully they will come back
They where nice and strong befor yesterday and the only difference I did was not water

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I think it is not watering enough I did what you and people said and stopped watering every day
But as soon as I missed a day next morning this happend my pots are tiny as you can see so I think I need to keep watering everyday and hopefully they will come back
They where nice and strong befor yesterday and the only difference I did was not water
Plants that small need very little anything
You look like you water to the extreme
like others said let them dry
The way you are pouring water on them they are acting like they are in a humidity dome
... stop it


Plants that small need very little anything
You look like you water to the extreme
like others said let them dry
The way you are pouring water on them they are acting like they are in a humidity dome
... stop it
Again like iv said 3 times now that's what I did and it's ruined them
They where looking lovely yesterday and did what you and everyone said and let the soil dry right out but this morning they have wilted and drooped again when I watering them daily they looked great
I don't know if iv mentioned this on this post but I'm growing under hps bulb and there is alot of heat even tho I have extractor and intake fans
Already after they had some water they are starting to come back some look to far gone but some are perking up
This pic that you see on this post is just after iv watered them


OH OK you have it all figured out LOL
NO and did not say that
All I'm saying is when I did what you and other people mentioned it caused this to happen. So surly if everything was good befor this it would be that I did not water yesterday and they have got to dry and wilted them

So after this happening you would carry on not watering them ??? Really ...........
Again as soon as they had some water this morning they have come back so again def not got everything figured out but I think I know what caused this


This as is what they looked like yesterday lunch time would you say they looked heathly ???
Then I did not water them like I usually do and this morning they were in a terrible state as you can see with the pic I added at beginning off post


Well-Known Member
Yesterday lunch time
I would look into using burpees 36 cell 10 day self watering tray with rapid rooters. It works really well. However before I used those I would mist them every other day with a spray bottle. Either way look into the burpee trays they’re convenient for baby’s.


Well-Known Member
NO and did not say that
All I'm saying is when I did what you and other people mentioned it caused this to happen. So surly if everything was good befor this it would be that I did not water yesterday and they have got to dry and wilted them

So after this happening you would carry on not watering them ??? Really ...........
Again as soon as they had some water this morning they have come back so again def not got everything figured out but I think I know what caused this
The problem is you watered to the third power man you turned your soil to soup. A few sprays from a misting like water bottle is good. You effectively drowned them. Simply too much love.


I would look into using burpees 36 cell 10 day self watering tray with rapid rooters. It works really well. However before I used those I would mist them every other day with a spray bottle. Either way look into the burpee trays they’re convenient for baby’s.

Thanks I'll look into that this is my first time and I would do things alot different next time
So iv built a cabinet with 6500k t4
And will be using a humility dome for early seedling stage until there a couple of inches
Then transfer into bigger pots and then put them into the tent with hps bulb


The problem is you watered to the third power man you turned your soil to soup. A few sprays from a misting like water bottle is good. You effectively drowned them. Simply too much love.
Ok thanks for input so even under hps they only need a little spray???
Yes I am proberly soaking them to much when I water I do it so it just starts running out off the bottom
I'm just terified because I let the soil dry right out to let the soil breath like every one said but next morning they are in a bad way and upto this point they have looked heathly and growing fast think I need to find the right medium
Again thanks for help and input


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for input so even under hps they only need a little spray???
Yes I am proberly soaking them to much when I water I do it so it just starts running out off the bottom
I'm just terified because I let the soil dry right out to let the soil breath like every one said but next morning they are in a bad way and upto this point they have looked heathly and growing fast think I need to find the right medium
Again thanks for help and input
They would need to stay under and smaller light until it has enough leaves on it to use. I'd keep them under the t5 s until you switch to flower. Before I started building my own. Soil I would mix pro mix bx with Greenfields or original from roots organic. An yes babys need a little water. But get that tray and rapid rooters and all is well itll keep them perfect until you pot then up.