The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

The uneducated need jobs too
Congrats on surviving with is obvious as you are triggered continuously , brother
hahaha.. you have no idea you fucking pog i know it makes you feel cool to call a real veteran brother but im not your brother y brothers didn't have to be forced to defend there family and brothers they do it willing so next time you think of yourself as a veteran remember that your a drafty who had to be forced
hahaha.. you have no idea you fucking pog i know it makes you feel cool to call a real veteran brother but im not your brother y brothers didn't have to be forced to defend there family and brothers they do it willing so next time you think of yourself as a veteran remember that your a drafty who had to be forced
Any convictions or you just couldn't find a job ?
U need a Snickers
do you know what the definition of a terrorist is?? if not let me help Terrorist means "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims". now that you understand the definition of terrorist do you know what a sealed indictment is?? haha... see there is different law in the time of war and tech we still are... the most important part about kavanaugh becoming supreme court is he understands that! just youtube him explaining it to Lindsey Gram there are over 50000 sealed indictments against republicans and democrats that is considered terrorism. And you wonder how he will drain the swamp HAHAHA.... oh you guys are in for such a surprise lmao
My dogs don’t like bananas