Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

To everyone talking politics can we please stay on topic to this thread. I understand that when talking about MMJ in IL, politics are unavoidable but I think that conversation would be best had in another thread. We all know there is a bigger problem than just the office that is processing the documentation, but the main scope of this thread is to help people track the wait time for their MMJ card. I would be happy to join in on the political conversation, but not on this thread.

Back to the matter at hand
State received documentation per USPS certified mail 8/17/18
Check has not been cashed as of 10/22/18

I really want to know what is taking so long. but I do not want to slow the process by calling or emailing because most people have said they receive a generic response that is no help. I had spinal surgery last week so pain management has been increasingly difficult. and opioids make me so sick. They received my paperwork 67 days ago and have not even looked at it. Has anyone had any luck with contacting the state proactively to find out if there is an issue with the paperwork? If so how long should I wait before contacting to confirm all documentation has been completed correctly?

I know people have been waiting longer and I do not mean to sound like I should be moved ahead of anyone. I am just voicing some of my frustrations with this stupid process, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir.

Time to make a phone call. Just politely checking to see if they have everything they need is how I put it. I waited 98 days to call. Foolish.
Uhg got a letter from idph that claimed the photo was bad. I went through the county to fill out the paperwork and they did the pic. Incalled them and they dont get what they are talking about. Shecwas upset and is calling them.
Card in hand day 81
Aug 6 state received app
Oct 12 check cashed
Oct 26 card in hand
Had two bad pictures and they lost my check at one point but it's done now I feel better.
Card in hand day 81
Aug 6 state received app
Oct 12 check cashed
Oct 26 card in hand
Had two bad pictures and they lost my check at one point but it's done now I feel better.

How long after they cashed your check did they contact you about the "missing or bad" items in your packet? Was it pretty quick to fix everything?
How long after they cashed your check did they contact you about the "missing or bad" items in your packet? Was it pretty quick to fix everything?
The first time was when they received it in Aug they called the day after on aug 7. The second time was after they cashed my check and I still got my card in 2 weeks from when they cashed the check
Sorry but the truth of the matter is you just have to wait. It pisses me off that those that have already got their cards encourage folks that haven't, to call the state. There are ten state workers as of last week that are responsible to process the massive influx of applications. Calling them just to find out where in the process your paperwork is just delays others that have been waiting much longer. I, unfortunately, applied back when finger print and background checks were mandatory and that adds to the wait time! I am at 84 days since the state received my paperwork. I know i am close and just have to wait.

It doesn't help when you know it's any day now and the USPS informed delivery doesn't give you any images of what is in the mail like this yesterday:

There are 7 mailpieces for which we do not currently have images that are included in Yesterday's mail.

As far as the political banter goes:
I hear and see enough of the mud-slinging from candidates on both sides. I do not need to read about in this forum.

I have never encouraged anyone to call before 60 days. It says right in the Illinois website it is OK to call after 45 days. You get one phone call, use it wisely. People have a right to know what is going on with their Application. So if something is wrong, they can get it corrected in a timely manner.
Hey all,

I was in my dispencary’s website, and they had a card time estimator, and you put in your email and state, and they estimate how many calendar days it will take to get your card. Not saying this is true, and it’s probably off, but it currently says 57 days!

Here is the link.

It said that for me also. They were off by 45 days.