Cannaventure seeds thread

Yea, I went through about a year that I was kinda lost, working 2nd shift basically. Took waking up after not drinking for a couple days to realize how bad of shape I was getting in. Easy decision to make. I miss being crunked out every night but it's not worth it.
I still have moments where Im like, "why the fuck am I sober?" then I remind myself of the trouble Ive been in an gladly just pack a bowl up. Cheers man
Ever wake up and check the garage to see if you drove home the night before?

Glad those days are behind me. 8)
Unfortunately, Ive woke up hoping that my car was in the driveway and that I dreamed wrecking out in a cornfield and getting a ride home from some passers by. Didnt get a dui but I definitely should have. The guilt knowing I could have easily killed innocent people that night did a lot to sober me up.

Ill tie one on every great now and again but its been well over a year since my last drink.

Now cannabis, I could stop smoking now and still fail a drug test in 6 months from all the laden thc in my body, lol.
Unfortunately, Ive woke up hoping that my car was in the driveway and that I dreamed wrecking out in a cornfield and getting a ride home from some passers by. Didnt get a dui but I definitely should have. The guilt knowing I could have easily killed innocent people that night did a lot to sober me up.

Ill tie one on every great now and again but its been well over a year since my last drink.

Now cannabis, I could stop smoking now and still fail a drug test in 6 months from all the laden thc in my body, lol.
No shit!
Pretty sure THC oozes from my pores... :eyesmoke:
I just lost one of my closest friends, well it's going on two yrs now, to alcohol. He was only 42 yrs old at the time. First grow experience I ever had was with him , I was 16, he 18, he had a government job spraying and setting bo weavil traps, government truck and all, had access to all the cotton fields which worked out great for guerrilla growing. Used to drink Busch beer all the time then graduated to cheap vodka and when his liver started shutting down i would tell him "you gotta quit you gonna kill yourself"
and he would cry and tell me he just couldn't quit , it got bad , Id have to drive him to the liquor store and on the way back he would take a drink and throw up , and keep doing that til he got better. He had swelled up close to the end , but i always thought he would quit and get better. All he had to do was quit and he could have gotten a transplant. I blame myself a lot, if I only had done more. If you know someone close to you like this dont sleep on it.
I just lost one of my closest friends, well it's going on two yrs now, to alcohol. He was only 42 yrs old at the time. First grow experience I ever had was with him , I was 16, he 18, he had a government job spraying and setting bo weavil traps, government truck and all, had access to all the cotton fields which worked out great for guerrilla growing. Used to drink Busch beer all the time then graduated to cheap vodka and when his liver started shutting down i would tell him "you gotta quit you gonna kill yourself"
and he would cry and tell me he just couldn't quit , it got bad , Id have to drive him to the liquor store and on the way back he would take a drink and throw up , and keep doing that til he got better. He had swelled up close to the end , but i always thought he would quit and get better. All he had to do was quit and he could have gotten a transplant. I blame myself a lot, if I only had done more. If you know someone close to you like this dont sleep on it.

Sorry for your loss. Ive lost friends/family to dope and feel the same guilt.. I was able to wake up and look around and realize things had to change so I quit cold turkey.. some people just dont want to, or are unable to stop until it is too late. Drinking aint no joke either and since its socially acceptable and so easy to get, it can almost be the worst thing :(
I just lost one of my closest friends, well it's going on two yrs now, to alcohol. He was only 42 yrs old at the time. First grow experience I ever had was with him , I was 16, he 18, he had a government job spraying and setting bo weavil traps, government truck and all, had access to all the cotton fields which worked out great for guerrilla growing. Used to drink Busch beer all the time then graduated to cheap vodka and when his liver started shutting down i would tell him "you gotta quit you gonna kill yourself"
and he would cry and tell me he just couldn't quit , it got bad , Id have to drive him to the liquor store and on the way back he would take a drink and throw up , and keep doing that til he got better. He had swelled up close to the end , but i always thought he would quit and get better. All he had to do was quit and he could have gotten a transplant. I blame myself a lot, if I only had done more. If you know someone close to you like this dont sleep on it.
Sorry to hear mate.
I would say I'm.a binge alcoholic.
I can go 4 or 5 days with out a drink even a week no worries but when I drink I'm even amazed at myself what I knock back etc etc.
Long story short I just didn't want to sou d like an alco who needed a drink every day
Sorry for your loss. Ive lost friends/family to dope and feel the same guilt.. I was able to wake up and look around and realize things had to change so I quit cold turkey.. some people just dont want to, or are unable to stop until it is too late. Drinking aint no joke either and since its socially acceptable and so easy to get, it can almost be the worst thing :(
Me and him both had done everything under the sun and out of everything I never would have thought alcohol would be the one. And I'm sorry for your loses, I try to block the guilt out but some days just cant get it out of my head. Life on this earth is so short guys, make the best of it and dont put the important things off, you may not have another chance.
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Sorry to hear mate.
I would say I'm.a binge alcoholic.
I can go 4 or 5 days with out a drink even a week no worries but when I drink I'm even amazed at myself what I knock back etc etc.
Long story short I just didn't want to sou d like an alco who needed a drink every day
I wasn't thinking that, sorry if I came off that way. I've got a few uncle's that used to drink beer 24/7 , I mean you would never see them without a beer but they was straight as an arrow, never got a dui or was never in any trouble over it, almost like they was drinking water. They've all pretty much quit now that there in their 60s but for about 20 or 30 yrs they drank like fish.
I just lost one of my closest friends, well it's going on two yrs now, to alcohol. He was only 42 yrs old at the time. First grow experience I ever had was with him , I was 16, he 18, he had a government job spraying and setting bo weavil traps, government truck and all, had access to all the cotton fields which worked out great for guerrilla growing. Used to drink Busch beer all the time then graduated to cheap vodka and when his liver started shutting down i would tell him "you gotta quit you gonna kill yourself"
and he would cry and tell me he just couldn't quit , it got bad , Id have to drive him to the liquor store and on the way back he would take a drink and throw up , and keep doing that til he got better. He had swelled up close to the end , but i always thought he would quit and get better. All he had to do was quit and he could have gotten a transplant. I blame myself a lot, if I only had done more. If you know someone close to you like this dont sleep on it.
I was a pretty bad alcoholic for a couple years. My liver threw in the towel twice, the second time that I almost died from it was when I decided to quit. It's crazy what the human body can go through and recover from. I was swollen and yellow, 30 pounds underweight. These days the thought of alcohol disgusts me to my core. When I finally quit I put all my attention into growing and that's what I'm still doing. It's a much better way to be.