Guise night out

Do you like Halloween???

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Halloween is here once again, the strange precursor to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I like Halloween because it's easy to get away with stabbing random people - you're in a mask, your bloody knife is supposed to look real, people are supposed to scream and act scared, etc.. Overhear an inane conversation? Stab. Someone cut in front of you in line? Stab. Chick won't get in your van? Stab. You get the idea. Then simply walk casually away. It's gonna be a busy night. So, what do you fine people plan on doing this evening? Going to a party? Turning off the lights and pretending you're not home? Dealing with Trick or Treaters? Do tell...

DD for wife, daughter and two month old grandson, steal candy when no one is looking, lie about where all the candy went. Dress up in my b'day suit and trick or treat the ol' lady later.

I can tell you that I am not dipping my dick in the chocolate fountain this year....yes it looked bigger last time, but damn when I said chocolate covered gobber she thought I was nuts.