First grow : Nutrient formula suggestion


Like the thread says, I'm gonna grow for first time in pure coco coir. Don't wanna buy 89 different nutrient bottles, want consistent results with minimal headache (till I learn what is going on atleast). Is the answer simply Lucas formula? I've heard that you can finish the entire grow with only Flora Nova Bloom and CalMag, what do you guys think about that. Open to any suggestions.
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Well-Known Member
I started using MegaCrop on my last grow and I was impressed with it.
It’s essentially like Lucas formula in that you only use the one nite for the entire grow and this nute was designed as a stand alone specifically for cannabis.

I know the company says it’s formulated so that you shouldn’t need calmag, but I can’t really verify that as I used well water that has plenty of calcium in it as my water source.

But I will say that if you are growing in coco I would recommend “precharging” it regardless of whether the company claims it is or not. By “precharging” I don’t mean soaking in nutes, I mean soaking it in water that has a heavy dose of calmag in it over night or even a few days. The purpose is to remove the sodium and potassium charge and replace it with the calcium and magnesium that have a higher bonding affinity.
Usually if you need to use calmag with coco then that means it either wasn’t properly charged or wasn’t at all. So if it isn’t then when you add your usual nutes the calcium and magnesium in it, with its higher bonding affinity, will attach itself to the coco making it unavailable to the plant and in turn release sodium and potassium that will then be “released” into the soil and cause their own issues. Basically it will turn a perfect nute formula into something high in potassium, dangerous levels of sodium and lacking in cal and mag.

So my method of “precharging” is that I take my coco and put it in a container. Then I add roughly 1 cup of calmag to a gallon of water, yes that much. I then add enough water to the coco So the coco moves freely in it and when settled there is at least a few inches of water above the settles coco. I let this sit for 24 hours, stir it vigorously and let it sit another 12, stir again and then pour it all into a big enough fabric pot to hold the coco.
I use a fabric pot simply because it allows the water to drain away quickly and easily and catches all the coco.
I then rinse with water with a noramal dose of calmag to make sure I get as much of the released sodium out of the coco as possible.


I started using MegaCrop on my last grow and I was impressed with it.
It’s essentially like Lucas formula in that you only use the one nite for the entire grow and this nute was designed as a stand alone specifically for cannabis.

I know the company says it’s formulated so that you shouldn’t need calmag, but I can’t really verify that as I used well water that has plenty of calcium in it as my water source.

But I will say that if you are growing in coco I would recommend “precharging” it regardless of whether the company claims it is or not. By “precharging” I don’t mean soaking in nutes, I mean soaking it in water that has a heavy dose of calmag in it over night or even a few days. The purpose is to remove the sodium and potassium charge and replace it with the calcium and magnesium that have a higher bonding affinity.
Usually if you need to use calmag with coco then that means it either wasn’t properly charged or wasn’t at all. So if it isn’t then when you add your usual nutes the calcium and magnesium in it, with its higher bonding affinity, will attach itself to the coco making it unavailable to the plant and in turn release sodium and potassium that will then be “released” into the soil and cause their own issues. Basically it will turn a perfect nute formula into something high in potassium, dangerous levels of sodium and lacking in cal and mag.

So my method of “precharging” is that I take my coco and put it in a container. Then I add roughly 1 cup of calmag to a gallon of water, yes that much. I then add enough water to the coco So the coco moves freely in it and when settled there is at least a few inches of water above the settles coco. I let this sit for 24 hours, stir it vigorously and let it sit another 12, stir again and then pour it all into a big enough fabric pot to hold the coco.
I use a fabric pot simply because it allows the water to drain away quickly and easily and catches all the coco.
I then rinse with water with a noramal dose of calmag to make sure I get as much of the released sodium out of the coco as possible.
I heard buffering the coco before but you made me see how important it is, so first of all thank you for that. That's definitely going to be my first step no mater what nutes I use.
The problem is, at the place I live I don't have many options to choose from. I'm surprised to find a place selling GHE nutrients to say the least. I looked the MegaCrop up, it looks like simple, cheap all in one nutrient but it will cost lot more to ship it since it's heavy. I will keep looking it up incase I missed a place but It doesn't seem like it's one of my options for now.


Well-Known Member
I heard buffering the coco before but you made me see how important it is, so first of all thank you for that. That's definitely going to be my first step no mater what nutes I use.
The problem is, at the place I live I don't have many options to choose from. I'm surprised to find a place selling GHE nutrients to say the least. I looked the MegaCrop up, it looks like simple, cheap all in one nutrient but it will cost lot more to ship it since it's heavy. I will keep looking it up incase I missed a place but It doesn't seem like it's one of my options for now.
If you are in the US the 22lb bags ships in a large flat rate box for $13 and will last quite a while for most growers. They also have suppliers in a few other places now i think. I suggest taking a look at their feeding schedule info to get a better idea of how much you'll use per grow. Even with my 90 gallon hydro system I'll get 2 full grows out of 1 bag for under $70 to my door which left it as the cheapest per grow hydro friendly minimal part nutrient I could find. I looked at dozen of lines at the local grow supply shops and most of them were twice the cost per grow as the MC even buying in bulk and considering shipping price. I was going to use the General hydro trio until I realized that the gallon bottles I ordered wouldnt last a whole grow. I sold them local and got a 22lb bag of MC and a bag of their bloom booster stuff which are both enough for at least 2 full grows with the same money. These numbers we at half recommended strength on the trio and full recommended strength on the MC.
MC is extremely PH stable in my and many others experience. Im doing RDWC and just keeping it topped of with fresh nutrient solution and new dose of hydroguard once a week. I havent changed my water in 2 months and have only had to ph it once.
Not trying to shove MC down your throat or anything, but the shipping is definitely not a deal breaker on overall cost imo.
Take a look at their post here if you get some time.
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Biggest problem is I'm far away from US. You don't need to shove it down my throat I agree it's better option just by checking their site briefly but it's not possible to get my hands on them at where I live. Possible but not worth the shipping price. I forgot to add that I'll be growing maximum 2 plants at once in a 65x65x190 cabinet so I won't need to use the volumes most of you guys need. I might seem like I already made my mind but I'm just trying to make use of what's easily availible for me. Those are Canna nutrients, GHE, and some other brands I've never heard of.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna mail them and ask how much will shipping cost to my place for 1kg bag. If it's cheaper than Flora Nova 2 part I'm getting it.
id shoot them an email for sure. Pretty sure theyre based out of Australia.
They are working on a UK distributor, they were hoping to have that set up by this month but it got delayed.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna mail them and ask how much will shipping cost to my place for 1kg bag. If it's cheaper than Flora Nova 2 part I'm getting it.
you can "fake"order it, and they will ask your location to calculate shipping, then just dont order it unless you want to.


Well-Known Member
Biggest problem is I'm far away from US. You don't need to shove it down my throat I agree it's better option just by checking their site briefly but it's not possible to get my hands on them at where I live. Possible but not worth the shipping price. I forgot to add that I'll be growing maximum 2 plants at once in a 65x65x190 cabinet so I won't need to use the volumes most of you guys need. I might seem like I already made my mind but I'm just trying to make use of what's easily availible for me. Those are Canna nutrients, GHE, and some other brands I've never heard of.
Canna nutrients are fine.
A and B coco and a bottle of calmag for if its needed.
Buy canna coco or other bagged coco that is pre buffered and life will be much simpler.

Also if its available you could try ionic 1 part for veg 1 part for flower instead of canna.

TBH all nutrients work, just keep it simple and keep ph right in coco.


Canna nutrients are fine.
A and B coco and a bottle of calmag for if its needed.
Buy canna coco or other bagged coco that is pre buffered and life will be much simpler.

Also if its available you could try ionic 1 part for veg 1 part for flower instead of canna.

TBH all nutrients work, just keep it simple and keep ph right in coco.
I guess you're right. I'm just kinda perfectionist on things that I'm passionate about.


They just replied my mail

"We are setting up warehouse distribution in UK and EU, so I think its best if you wait until that is ready since it will be very quick and cheap for you to receive your product! I think the time estimate is around December 5"

Asked what's gonna be estimated shipping price for 1kg bag

"Shipping is like $4 estimate."


Well-Known Member
I guess you're right. I'm just kinda perfectionist on things that I'm passionate about.
That's admirable but concentrate on getting your environment perfect, that will repay you far more than pissing about with fancy bottles.
Megacrop looks great but it aint so great you should be paying silly amounts for it to be delivered while we wait for UK distribution.

Nutrients are one of the least important factors. There are guys pulling amazing results with tomatorite :bigjoint:


That's admirable but concentrate on getting your environment perfect, that will repay you far more than pissing about with fancy bottles.
Megacrop looks great but it aint so great you should be paying silly amounts for it to be delivered while we wait for UK distribution.

Nutrients are one of the least important factors. There are guys pulling amazing results with tomatorite :bigjoint:
You are totally right and I can see why you would think that I'm excited about fancy bottles, but I'm well aware about everything you said.

I started reading/watching stuff way before I had the freedom and money to grow. So I learned few things about growing since then. Got couple more weeks till I can set my room up (waiting for CoB holders and seeds) so im using that free time to nit-pick the less important stuff and hang out with you guys, that's all. Thank you for the heads up though.


Well-Known Member
You are totally right and I can see why you would think that I'm excited about fancy bottles, but I'm well aware about everything you said.

I started reading/watching stuff way before I had the freedom and money to grow. So I learned few things about growing since then. Got couple more weeks till I can set my room up (waiting for CoB holders and seeds) so im using that free time to nit-pick the less important stuff and hang out with you guys, that's all. Thank you for the heads up though.

What COBs are you rocking?