First grow : Nutrient formula suggestion


Well-Known Member
For something easy and cheap you can try what I use:
Magnesium Sulfate
Thats it.

1 Gallon Recipe:

2.4 grams MasterBlend 4-18-38
2.4 grams Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0)
1.2 grams Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

5 Gallon Recipe:

12 grams MasterBlend 4-18-38
12 grams Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0)
6 grams Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N)................................................ 4%
    3.5% Nitrate Nitrogen
    0.5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)............................. 18% 
Soluble Potash (K2O)........................................ 38% 
Magnesium (Mg) (Total).................................. 0.50% 
    0.50% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Boron (B)........................................................ 0.20% 
Copper (Cu)..................................................... 0.05% 
    0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu) 
Iron (Fe)........................................................... 0.40% 
    0.40% Chelated Iron (Fe) 
Manganese (Mn)............................................. 0.20% 
    0.20% Chelated Manganese (Mn) 
Molybdenum (Mo)........................................... 0.01% 
Zinc (Zn).......................................................... 0.05% 
    0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)


Well-Known Member
For something easy and cheap you can try what I use:
Magnesium Sulfate
Thats it.

1 Gallon Recipe:

2.4 grams MasterBlend 4-18-38
2.4 grams Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0)
1.2 grams Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

5 Gallon Recipe:

12 grams MasterBlend 4-18-38
12 grams Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0)
6 grams Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N)................................................ 4%
    3.5% Nitrate Nitrogen
    0.5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)............................. 18%
Soluble Potash (K2O)........................................ 38%
Magnesium (Mg) (Total).................................. 0.50%
    0.50% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Boron (B)........................................................ 0.20%
Copper (Cu)..................................................... 0.05%
    0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe)........................................................... 0.40%
    0.40% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)............................................. 0.20%
    0.20% Chelated Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum (Mo)........................................... 0.01%
Zinc (Zn).......................................................... 0.05%
    0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)
Looks like a pretty good formula.

To the OP, while I recommend MegaCrop, honesty you can get a decent grow going with almost any nutrient line.
Before MegaCrop I used Jacks Bloom Booster for a couple of grows from start to finish. It’s a 10-30-20 NPK nute and worked for me just fine. Again I have well water that’s high in calcium and use that as my base water source and use dilute sulfuric acid to adjust the ph down. If you can get it I’d recommend jacks bloom booster and a calmag if you plan on using RO water. Plus if you get the right calmag it will boost the nitrogen up a little higher which can help in Veg but not enough that it’ll hurt anything in flower.


For something easy and cheap you can try what I use:
Magnesium Sulfate
Thats it.

1 Gallon Recipe:

2.4 grams MasterBlend 4-18-38
2.4 grams Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0)
1.2 grams Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

5 Gallon Recipe:

12 grams MasterBlend 4-18-38
12 grams Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0)
6 grams Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt)

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N)................................................ 4%
    3.5% Nitrate Nitrogen
    0.5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5)............................. 18%
Soluble Potash (K2O)........................................ 38%
Magnesium (Mg) (Total).................................. 0.50%
    0.50% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Boron (B)........................................................ 0.20%
Copper (Cu)..................................................... 0.05%
    0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe)........................................................... 0.40%
    0.40% Chelated Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn)............................................. 0.20%
    0.20% Chelated Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum (Mo)........................................... 0.01%
Zinc (Zn).......................................................... 0.05%
    0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)
Looks like a pretty good formula.

To the OP, while I recommend MegaCrop, honesty you can get a decent grow going with almost any nutrient line.
Before MegaCrop I used Jacks Bloom Booster for a couple of grows from start to finish. It’s a 10-30-20 NPK nute and worked for me just fine. Again I have well water that’s high in calcium and use that as my base water source and use dilute sulfuric acid to adjust the ph down. If you can get it I’d recommend jacks bloom booster and a calmag if you plan on using RO water. Plus if you get the right calmag it will boost the nitrogen up a little higher which can help in Veg but not enough that it’ll hurt anything in flower.
Thanks to both of you guys for sharing your experiences.

Actually, I wanna know how much N-P-K cannabis would love to have optimally at each grow phases. That would make me and curious people like me ready to go fishing instead of running around asking for fish out here. Like what are the exact numbers of macro-nutrients to make my plant dark, shiny green while vegging? And what are the exact numbers to keep my plants bud production at highest while blooming?

Yeah I know it depends on the strain, pheno, light, environment so and so forth, but we are talking about nutrients right now so you should count everything else at optimum level as it's right way to argue about things including multiple external factors.


Oh by the way I'm not completely locked to growing with hydroponic nutrients. Every time I see a video of 120lb dude in baggy pants talking about organic grow in his outdoor garden I reconsider growing in soil. One of the biggest reasons I feel closer to growing hydroponicly(in coco) because it is more simple. If I could make growing in soil simple enough I would grow organic. It just looks fun, more involving which probably means it's more rewarding at the end. Like driving a stick-shift car. You can share your organic experiences too. Like which soil is better? How to fertilize soil in a budget? How often do you fertilize it? How often do you feed the bacteria? Do you reuse the soil? How does the yield and quality compare to hydro?


Active Member
I have also started to grow in COCO. Im on my second run and I have been Using Canna A+B with a few of their other additives. It has for sure been a learning experience for me. Being new to it all myself i guess the best advice i could give ya about the nutes is dont chronic over feed. Check the Runoff and let the plants tell you what they need. Follow that and no matter what nutes youll use it will be alright. The closest thing to a feed schedule i could find as a guideline is below. Didnt have it on my first grow but have been using it on my second and havnt ran into any problems yet.. “knock on wood”.



Well-Known Member
I have plants in all stages in both veg and bloom. 2 reservoirs. Every plant in veg gets the same thing while every plant in flower gets the same thing.(But flower plants get boost week 4) Doesn't matter the age.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both of you guys for sharing your experiences.

Actually, I wanna know how much N-P-K cannabis would love to have optimally at each grow phases. That would make me and curious people like me ready to go fishing instead of running around asking for fish out here. Like what are the exact numbers of macro-nutrients to make my plant dark, shiny green while vegging? And what are the exact numbers to keep my plants bud production at highest while blooming?

Yeah I know it depends on the strain, pheno, light, environment so and so forth, but we are talking about nutrients right now so you should count everything else at optimum level as it's right way to argue about things including multiple external factors.
IMO:: It really doesn't matter that much. Something higher in N in veg with a boost of PK in bloom. I have done many, many, many grows using many many many products. While some are easier to use than others, they will all work, and will grow nice plants. That's why there are so many companies with so many NPKs. Because they have obviously found that it doesn't really matter, that much. As long as you follow the above theory. There are companies that claim to make nutes just for growing weed. You can see the NPK numbers they use and see they will follow the same, even though they are made 'just for cannabis'. I figure if it's good enough to be used on hydroponic food people eat, it must grow some good ass plants.

Don't get too caught up in the numbers as much as sticking to something, seeing how it works, and making your mind up. Once dialed in stick to your recipe and don't worry about the number. That's just my school of thought. peace


IMO:: It really doesn't matter that much. Something higher in N in veg with a boost of PK in bloom. I have done many, many, many grows using many many many products. While some are easier to use than others, they will all work, and will grow nice plants. That's why there are so many companies with so many NPKs. Because they have obviously found that it doesn't really matter, that much. As long as you follow the above theory. There are companies that claim to make nutes just for growing weed. You can see the NPK numbers they use and see they will follow the same, even though they are made 'just for cannabis'. I figure if it's good enough to be used on hydroponic food people eat, it must grow some good ass plants.

Don't get too caught up in the numbers as much as sticking to something, seeing how it works, and making your mind up. Once dialed in stick to your recipe and don't worry about the number. That's just my school of thought. peace
I like that one, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both of you guys for sharing your experiences.

Actually, I wanna know how much N-P-K cannabis would love to have optimally at each grow phases. That would make me and curious people like me ready to go fishing instead of running around asking for fish out here. Like what are the exact numbers of macro-nutrients to make my plant dark, shiny green while vegging? And what are the exact numbers to keep my plants bud production at highest while blooming?

Yeah I know it depends on the strain, pheno, light, environment so and so forth, but we are talking about nutrients right now so you should count everything else at optimum level as it's right way to argue about things including multiple external factors.
If you are really interested in going organic you can start with a hybrid setup.
Basically start with a soil mix, let the plants run a few weeks on just water and then switch to bottles nutes. Then you can take that soil and amend it the next go round and let that go a while. Then after a few grows you should be able to get enough info and figure out what you can find around you and turn it into a completely organic grow.
Going organic isn’t cut and dry, heck you can technically grow organically in just plain coco with the right bottles nutes. But I’d honestly start with a good soil mix and then switch to chemical nites once the soil is drained and slowly learn how the soil interacts with the plant and all the microbes and enzymes and fungis that play the main role.


Active Member
Like the thread says, I'm gonna grow for first time in pure coco coir. Don't wanna buy 89 different nutrient bottles, want consistent results with minimal headache (till I learn what is going on atleast). Is the answer simply Lucas formula? I've heard that you can finish the entire grow with only Flora Nova Bloom and CalMag, what do you guys think about that. Open to any suggestions.
I say pure blend pro from botanicare. It is ph forgiving and hard to over feed . unless u give way to much for the plant size of coarse. Its my fav line. It really helps my turpie turrrp turrrps be amazing.


Active Member
Like the thread says, I'm gonna grow for first time in pure coco coir. Don't wanna buy 89 different nutrient bottles, want consistent results with minimal headache (till I learn what is going on atleast). Is the answer simply Lucas formula? I've heard that you can finish the entire grow with only Flora Nova Bloom and CalMag, what do you guys think about that. Open to any suggestions.
I remember my first grow in 05 lol... A walk in closet with a 400 hps in a 2 bd apt building lol... NO CARBON FILTER !. All i had was ed rosenthals indoor handbook to teach me...u r so lucky times have changed and there are places like this and youtube where we all teach our trials and errors


Active Member
Like the thread says, I'm gonna grow for first time in pure coco coir. Don't wanna buy 89 different nutrient bottles, want consistent results with minimal headache (till I learn what is going on atleast). Is the answer simply Lucas formula? I've heard that you can finish the entire grow with only Flora Nova Bloom and CalMag, what do you guys think about that. Open to any suggestions.
Btw get that book i mentioned. One of the best


I remember my first grow in 05 lol... A walk in closet with a 400 hps in a 2 bd apt building lol... NO CARBON FILTER !. All i had was ed rosenthals indoor handbook to teach me...u r so lucky times have changed and there are places like this and youtube where we all teach our trials and errors
I'll check the book out, thanks.