Another white male trump lover goes on a gun massacre


Well-Known Member
the yoga shooter was a white male with previous arrests for grabbing them by the pussy and was a member of “we are conservatives”

This is the face of death and violence in America


He tried to maga by attempting to murder 7 people with his ar15 (assault rifle 15)
the yoga shooter was a white male with previous arrests for grabbing them by the pussy and was a member of “we are conservatives”

This is the face of death and violence in America

View attachment 4226704

He tried to maga by attempting to murder 7 people with his ar15 (assault rifle 15)
Horrific description by the survivors.

I'd prefer we not have capital punishment but as long as we have it, this is where I'd most like to see it used.
There's nothing wrong with Capital Punishment, in fact I wish we had public executions. I bet that would deter crime.
There is plenty wrong with how it's used in this country. A wealthy white person almost never gets the chair while death row is filled with black men who couldn't pay for good defense.

The justice system is classist and racist as fuck. Fix that first, then we can have a talk about whether or not revenge is a good reason for a society to kill people.
There is plenty wrong with how it's used in this country. A wealthy white person almost never gets the chair while death row is filled with black men who couldn't pay for good defense.

The justice system is classist and racist as fuck. Fix that first, then we can have a talk about whether or not revenge is a good reason for a society to kill people.

What do you propose? You accuse and complain but never offer any solution that is based in reality. Voting for more self serving polititions has never helped.
As usual you didn’t answer the question.

You are lost. Best if you stop posting. You might hang yourself for being white and privileged as hell.

Why dont you talk about hating yourself instead of being such a hypocrite?
Why do you think I hate myself? I don’t do any crimes that are subject to the death penalty. I don’t even sell black market grams to fixed income elderly people

I just think the racist imbalance in the application of the death penalty should be corrected
Why do you think I hate myself? I don’t do any crimes that are subject to the death penalty. I don’t even sell black market grams to fixed income elderly people

I just think the racist imbalance in the application of the death penalty should be corrected

You talk about how bad white people are every post. You are lily white bro. You’re not even really Jewish at all. And you are from a privileged home and apparently married into more money.

You should be the expert on imbalance. You don’t need to follow the rules here.

And about the death penalty. It is really about the whole crooked self serving system. Very little justice possible with lawyers and judges from the same club. And forget about self defending. Might as well just lock yourself up. They get paid regardless how they convict you.

What do you propose to fix it?
There is plenty wrong with how it's used in this country. A wealthy white person almost never gets the chair while death row is filled with black men who couldn't pay for good defense.

The justice system is classist and racist as fuck. Fix that first, then we can have a talk about whether or not revenge is a good reason for a society to kill people.
A white man was just electrocuted yesterday in Tennessee. Hows that for your racist type rant.
You talk about how bad white people are every post. You are lily white bro. You’re not even really Jewish at all. And you are from a privileged home and apparently married into more money.

You should be the expert on imbalance. You don’t need to follow the rules here.

And about the death penalty. It is really about the whole crooked self serving system. Very little justice possible with lawyers and judges from the same club. And forget about self defending. Might as well just lock yourself up. They get paid regardless how they convict you.

What do you propose to fix it?
Do all nazis have problems with reading comprehension or are you just especially retarded?

I said make only whites subject to the death penalty
A white man was just electrocuted yesterday in Tennessee. Hows that for your racist type rant.
If we enforced the law fairly and had never been wrong in verdict then the only question is whether or not capital punishment is actually a deterrence.