

Well-Known Member
How about them RAys??? Looks like we might get at least to the WS. I still can't believe after 103 straight days of first place. when boston or nyy are in town its like a damn home game for them.
Their all band wagoners. We need more fanss. I've noticed people starting to pop up arounf the country with rays swag. but i bet they'll all take it off if we dont win. damn wagoners. I' was at the first game back in 98. have been going sense then.

O yeah by the way im officially changing the damn to D-Rays not the Rays its lame. The diamond backs get D-backs Y didnt we get D-rays. bs!! lol


Well-Known Member
yo thafuckingkills. where did you find that avatar? i saw it one day looking for ideas for a tat. and i was going to change a few things. but then went to look for it again and couldnt find it


Well-Known Member
What a long game last night. but they pulled it off. next three in boston. lets see if they can cope. and overcome!


Well-Known Member
its pretty lame how they got rid of the devil part...fuckin religous fanatics, its a fuckin fish! HOw bout them dodgers though!


Active Member
didnt they change their name bc they wanted to turn around their franchise or sumthin. ill pullin for ur rays though. somethin about those low salary florida teams and their ability to win...

oh and to all the dodger fans, it looks like ur season is over


Well-Known Member
^ Yea. had nothing to do with Religion lol. Red Sox's brought the heat the first game. Beckette slipped up 2nd. he didn't allow 5 runs in 19.5 innings, we got 5 in the first 6 innings. We have to get our pitching back in there. Longo is out of his slump.
Can only hope for the best. Fenway is a extremely tough place. lets hope we can over come it like we did all season.


Well-Known Member
^ Yea. had nothing to do with Religion lol. Red Sox's brought the heat the first game. Beckette slipped up 2nd. he didn't allow 5 runs in 19.5 innings, we got 5 in the first 6 innings. We have to get our pitching back in there. Longo is out of his slump.
Can only hope for the best. Fenway is a extremely tough place. lets hope we can over come it like we did all season.
If it wasn't for the one sided strike zone calls rays would be down 0-2 Redsox stole home field from them that's all they needed to do the Redsox are prob the hardest team to put away in the alcs and don't say they weren't one sided cause everyone that talked about it on the postgame and espn said it was plus you could see it on kzone the umps gave them that game lester will shut them down followed by dice k and then beckett lookig for revenge the rays are done. And you wanna talk about bandwagon hoppers I was born a sox fan during the 86yr drought when before the playoffs your biggest crowd with out the Redsox Yankees or cubs being there was like 13000 what a joke now they r comng out of the woodworks.


Well-Known Member
here's some pics of Redsox rays at the trop I go down there every sox series it's only 3 1/2 hrs from here. My seats were right behind the sox bullpen row d and the first pic is of wakefield warming up.



Well-Known Member
All i can say is. You are right about the numbers. Its sickning its like a homegame for the RS or the Yankees. That just prooves how much better this town is than boston or ny. lol only joking.

Well when your team is only 10 years, old never made it to the playoffs. you Will not have a strong fan base. Tampa has never been a baseball city cause they arent a big franchise like the Yanks or Boston. I would hope you 100 and something year old teams had more of a fan base then us.

Beckette is the man I always liked him, watched him when he was with the marlins. We swept your RedSox TWICE. in one season. Don't get your hopes up.

The RedSox are nothing but a bunch of hot headed over paid,and THE best example of poor sportsmanship I have ever seen! WS 08 Rays, Phillies. Period!


Well-Known Member
here's some pics of Redsox rays at the trop I go down there every sox series it's only 3 1/2 hrs from here. My seats were right behind the sox bullpen row d and the first pic is of wakefield warming up.

HAHAHa must of sucked to get swept 2/3 times then!!


Well-Known Member
All i can say is. You are right about the numbers. Its sickning its like a homegame for the RS or the Yankees. That just prooves how much better this town is than boston or ny. lol only joking.

Well when your team is only 10 years, old never made it to the playoffs. you Will not have a strong fan base. Tampa has never been a baseball city cause they arent a big franchise like the Yanks or Boston. I would hope you 100 and something year old teams had more of a fan base then us.

Beckette is the man I always liked him, watched him when he was with the marlins. We swept your RedSox TWICE. in one season. Don't get your hopes up.

The RedSox are nothing but a bunch of hot headed over paid,and THE best example of poor sportsmanship I have ever seen! WS 08 Rays, Phillies. Period!
Don't forget the sox also swept the rays just as many times at Fenway that the rays did at the trop. And poor sportsmanship goes to the rays a dirty block by Bartlett led to a dirty slide by coco, a payback hbp from shields let to a brawl I beleive the rays are the dirty ones there oh and playoff sox are a different animal the angels beat them 8-1 in the reg season and almost got swept in the alds.


Well-Known Member
btw I used to root for the rays they were the lovable losers and I prob still would (as long as it's not vs the redsox) but the rays announcers for their tv broadcasts are prob the Gayest people I have ever met they are so corny and the one who looks like he rocks jerricurl says some real gay shit like it's penacolada time or big game James what big game has James shield played???? Those announcers just ruin the experience but I will say everytime I go to the trop rays fans are fun they can have fun banter back and fourth and always exchange good games afterwards it's nice to holler back and fourth and it always stay nice and clean if they can beat the sox more power to them but to be the champ you Gots to beat the champ.