
The current record is 50.5 lbs out of blue mesa res. That lake is shot now though. They've been shocking and killing lakers down there for at least 5 years now. They do relocate the big ones, but they decided they population was too big and its just not the same fishery anymore. The whirling disease doesn't seem to be a problem anymore, I haven't even heard that term in years to be honest. For the record I'm not out there catching 40+ pound lakers, my buddy that does this is free of responsibilities and will camp out for up to a month and fish everyday. The dude is like the lake trout whisperer, sending me pics of big fish daily. I'm not even sure I've broke 30, a few of the bigger ones I've caught weren't weighed before release.
Holy crap that’s slave lake shit at 50 lbs lol. Ya we had a few old timers (me now) that spent every day pulling spoons on steel back in the day. I don’t keep any fresh water fish except pike, I love pike :).
I didn't get a picture, but the 4 of my fish ponds that were filled are dry after the hurricane. Didn't try to back track the waterline to see where it was broke. Too many downed trees to even find the water line. I just hope the well head isn't busted. Timber guys are coming soon, so I will be able to run more line after the trees are cleaned up.
Holy crap that’s slave lake shit at 50 lbs lol. Ya we had a few old timers (me now) that spent every day pulling spoons on steel back in the day. I don’t keep any fresh water fish except pike, I love pike :).
Somehow I lost track.... Do you smoke your pike?
I didn't get a picture, but the 4 of my fish ponds that were filled are dry after the hurricane. Didn't try to back track the waterline to see where it was broke. Too many downed trees to even find the water line. I just hope the well head isn't busted. Timber guys are coming soon, so I will be able to run more line after the trees are cleaned up.
Damn man, I hope everything comes back together for you.
Somehow I lost track.... Do you smoke your pike?
No, I fillet them into 5 fillets, then just cover in vegetable thin crackers that I grind up in food processor, fry in really hot peanut oil..... yum. I like walleye as well but have to travel for them. So I’ve changed all the motors gear oil, put stabilizer in the tanks but could not bring myself to spray in the fogger :(, there has to be one more warm sunny day left.....right? Lol. Starting on the ice shack rebuild next weekend if it’s not snowing, at least it’s fishing :).
No, I fillet them into 5 fillets, then just cover in vegetable thin crackers that I grind up in food processor, fry in really hot peanut oil..... yum. I like walleye as well but have to travel for them. So I’ve changed all the motors gear oil, put stabilizer in the tanks but could not bring myself to spray in the fogger :(, there has to be one more warm sunny day left.....right? Lol. Starting on the ice shack rebuild next weekend if it’s not snowing, at least it’s fishing :).
That sounds tasty too..... I've been overly optimistic with outdoor plants and hunting/fishing this fall because last year there was no snow. I'm finally starting to accept that winter is setting in. Lol
Damn man, I hope everything comes back together for you.
Thanks. We have an artesian well a couple hundred yards from the ponds. There are houses pretty close, and twice this year someone has caused my ponds to go dry. The first time they broke off a spigot and turned on the big valve that goes to the river, and that caused the flow to the ponds to stop. The break was in a bad spot, and I just whittled a stick the right size and jammed it in the pipe. Worked fine, very little leakage. But they came back and took the stick out and opened the valve to the river again. I have some game cameras and had planned on getting one set up. But when the timber gets cut, there won't be a tree to attach it to. The loss of the woods is the hardest part of this mess. Now just with all the trees broken, you can see houses you've never been able to see before. Once all the trees are gone, it's going to be really weird.

I do still have my natural pond. Although all the trees around it will be gone soon. It has got pretty low the last few year. Right now it's low, but holding it's own. It varies in size from all the way to the tree line, to a mud hole.

Thanks. We have an artesian well a couple hundred yards from the ponds. There are houses pretty close, and twice this year someone has caused my ponds to go dry. The first time they broke off a spigot and turned on the big valve that goes to the river, and that caused the flow to the ponds to stop. The break was in a bad spot, and I just whittled a stick the right size and jammed it in the pipe. Worked fine, very little leakage. But they came back and took the stick out and opened the valve to the river again. I have some game cameras and had planned on getting one set up. But when the timber gets cut, there won't be a tree to attach it to. The loss of the woods is the hardest part of this mess. Now just with all the trees broken, you can see houses you've never been able to see before. Once all the trees are gone, it's going to be really weird.

I do still have my natural pond. Although all the trees around it will be gone soon. It has got pretty low the last few year. Right now it's low, but holding it's own. It varies in size from all the way to the tree line, to a mud hole.

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looks like my second home back in the day,is there any peat in the bog looks like the edge is pretty spongie
looks like my second home back in the day,is there any peat in the bog looks like the edge is pretty spongie
Not sure if you will call it peat or not, but there is sponginess in spots. Lots of water grasses grow there when the water is high, so that all rots each time it goes down. But over all, it's heavy black dirt. My uncle had a small pond a couple of 40's over, and he always gardened as close to the pond as he could. {his old wet weather pond is where my patch was that the cops found}
Thanks. We have an artesian well a couple hundred yards from the ponds. There are houses pretty close, and twice this year someone has caused my ponds to go dry. The first time they broke off a spigot and turned on the big valve that goes to the river, and that caused the flow to the ponds to stop. The break was in a bad spot, and I just whittled a stick the right size and jammed it in the pipe. Worked fine, very little leakage. But they came back and took the stick out and opened the valve to the river again. I have some game cameras and had planned on getting one set up. But when the timber gets cut, there won't be a tree to attach it to. The loss of the woods is the hardest part of this mess. Now just with all the trees broken, you can see houses you've never been able to see before. Once all the trees are gone, it's going to be really weird.

I do still have my natural pond. Although all the trees around it will be gone soon. It has got pretty low the last few year. Right now it's low, but holding it's own. It varies in size from all the way to the tree line, to a mud hole.

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That's too bad about your trees, I like privacy and feeling isolated. That would make me feel naked.
Have you thought about going through and planting more.
That is the plan for the planted pines. But I am leaving a little space behind the house for barns, a greenhouse and garden. I was just talking to Sister about the pond land. If it is clean enough after the trees are cut, we may plant it in pines too. If not, we will let it grow natural. Around here oaks will come up and grow in your yard if you are not on your toes. The woods woods will replant on their own.