constant unoscillating wind, heat from lights, resulting in low RH

Does anyone have any experience with heat, wind from stationary fans blowing straight down on canopy ( they are desk fans hung next to my lights pointed straight down) btw now thinking about it the air is probably pretty warm because the fans are hung right beside the heat sinks from my LED lighting which I have a 450w and 2- 250w in about a 3 foot wide by 6 foot long closet, and low RH causing their leaves only on top of canopy to canoe and then start to yellow from tips on leaves inwards??? Also plants are in 7 gallon air pots which I'm pretty sure I wasn't using enough water with each watering as I was giving each a half gallon every couple days. I think this because yesterday I gave each a gallon and I still barely got any runoff Also I feed GH FLORA TRIO every other watering anywhere from 1/2 to full strength. Temps 75-80 degrees. I'm about 2 and a half months into veg from day 1 of cutting clones, 4 white widow plants in total. Didn't have my hygrometer in veg room as I was using for other purposes so not sure what the RH in the room has been for the last few weeks but I put it back in there this afternoon to moniter after spraying canopy and turning off fans
Also light are 24 inches from top of canopy only up untill recently and started at like 32 inches away so im sure lights are not too close Expecially since I have used these lights before at heights as close as 15 inches with no I'll effects
I did a flush a few days ago (very thorough flush) thinking I had a ph issue but the 2 plants don't seem any better so now I'm trying this out. Btw soil is about 50% leaf litter compost, 30% peat moss, and 20% perlite. Only 2 of the 4 plants are displaying symptoms


Well-Known Member
My opinion is you're trying to over complicate things. Look at leach parameter individually. If you're running too hot and dry...plants will stop transpiring. Lower temp or bump up humidity. Find a vpd chart and keep your room in range.
My opinion is you're trying to over complicate things. Look at leach parameter individually. If you're running too hot and dry...plants will stop transpiring. Lower temp or bump up humidity. Find a vpd chart and keep your room in range.
that's exactly what I said I did lol I turned down my 450w led in the middle of the room and pointed the fans up towards the top of the grow room instead of.down at my plants and have been foliar spraying all the plants to raise humidity
Why not aim the fans pointing upward? Heat rises, you may aswell not try to fight that
yup that's exactly what I did. I turned them so they are pointed up towards the ceiling so they are pulling air out of the heat sinks and exhausting it upwards instead of having it blow right on the top of my canopy
My opinion is you're trying to over complicate things. Look at leach parameter individually. If you're running too hot and dry...plants will stop transpiring. Lower temp or bump up humidity. Find a vpd chart and keep your room in range.
my room is not too hot. It runs at 75-80 degrees. I'm thinking it's a combination of those things causing the issue


Well-Known Member
my room is not too hot. It runs at 75-80 degrees. I'm thinking it's a combination of those things causing the issue
80 is too high if your RH is low. From a plant perspective...they are closely tied together.

Here is the chart I mentioned. Many versions of it out there. Look at the chart to see what rh should be for any temp. On this chart...keep it in the brown zone.


you are exactly right and that's what I keep saying lol.... the problem is a combination of heat, RH, AND WIND. The issue is not that my temp is too high its the temp with the wind and RH creating a condition the plants don't like. That's my description ^^^
Since I pointed the fans to the ceiling and keep foliar spraying the plants the last 2 days I have def noticed they haven't got any worse for sure. I did a pretty major pruning 2 days ago to open up the center of the canopy and lollipopped almost fully, I will prob lollipop a little more once I switch to flower. These were monster cropped so they were branch, and bushy as fuck and full of sooo much foliage. They already filled back in alot from 2 days ago