Problem,with plants in Flower.


Well-Known Member
20181109_154724.jpg The Main Fan Leafs have all but Gone,There are a few leaves left the sugar leaf .But I don't want the Bud to burn up,it's not caused by high humidity or high temps.Both are sound,But there are a Load of white Pistols still left on the plants.What would you do leave them another week,that would mean full 10 week.its only really bad on one of the plants.Dont forget these had Spidermites,and Thrips.What would you do leave them another week ,or harvest now.Bud on them is stunning .just never had them go like this before pistols have changed colour.My Question is shall I leave them another week,or take them down now.The other two ain't has bad,Still lost major part of there leaf though.
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View attachment 4230189 Dont forget these had Spidermites,and Thrips.What would you do leave them another week ,or harvest now.Bud on them is stunning .just never had them go like this before pistols have changed colour.My Question is shall I leave them another week,or take them down now.The other two ain't has bad,Still lost major part of there leaf though.

What I would do is search 'bud washing'!
-good luck!
When they was yellow I never took them off the plant ,because I did have other plants near with them been left on they have just gone crispy,because of lack moisture in the fans.But it's still really nice bud .I also put that they was on 1.3,that was wrong .They been on water for 8 days now .
I would have left that to go too....

Kinda don't need to comment on why or how so screw that...

BUT, the foxtailing is more about length of the run over Nutes and Heat....Those do add to it...Thing is the FT is not bad enough to worry about - at all..

Watch the core of the bud closer - not the outside....What do the trich's look like deeper into that bud?

Week, 10 days maybe a cpl more days.....Sure will help the final quality.
I would have left that to go too....

Kinda don't need to comment on why or how so screw that...

BUT, the foxtailing is more about length of the run over Nutes and Heat....Those do add to it...Thing is the FT is not bad enough to worry about - at all..

Watch the core of the bud closer - not the outside....What do the trich's look like deeper into that bud?

Week, 10 days maybe a cpl more days.....Sure will help the final quality.
Tri's are milky ,I have Dr who,I know the Buds sound ,i have checked it its just the fan leafs.I was waiting for either you or vostok but no reply so i just decided to go with my gut ,and it said wait 5/7 days.There was only 1 that was really bad ,and it was only the fans sugar leaf was fine,The bud looks amazing when its out of room took one out today for better look.I know there aint no light leaks so was sure ,that it was foxtailing naturally ,Because of the time its been in flower,Temps wa good not much heat at all .not too cold lights off either .It was down in my Opinion to The Mites causing a lot of leaf damage early on,Then when i put them on water they started to yellow,but i did not pull the leaf of because i did not want the mites getting out that room i had others not far away from them .But there clean ,i moved them today .Because i did not take them of once they was yellow they burnt up through been dry.Just Looked at the inside of the bud its fire that stuff ,the heads are imilky,on the inside,And i think another week and it will be done .Its gotta be i need the room ,its coming down .Got so much work to do ,the bud is super pungent it stinks beautiful fruity smell from all 3 ,just slight diff in them all smell wise ,and look in one of them to the other two
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The Bloody Skunk,Now that is one big Auto .Its loving the cob,and doing great under it .I have two ,but now wish i had only done one.Because both are big plants.One is a far better pheno than the other,both are great and have nice pre flowers now.But ones a little shorter still big ,but closer nodes.The FLC ,they are also doing really well .Just need transplanting asap.That will be tomorrow,And the FLC,will be going under the T5,I think they should be shooting up once i've done what needs doing tomorrow day
My friend looking at those last two pictures above I would not harvest that plant yet, too many white hairs. I would give that plant another week at least. Have you checked trichomes?
Thanks Beachwalker ,it was one of the post,that helped me not change my mind and not chop .I have been back and forth with down leave down leave em lol.Honest dude it looks worse than it is ,it was mainly a post to see if growers would panic into chopping or leave it ,and i was worried about it .But i have seen em like this before there coming up to 11 week soon ,there gonna look yellow at this age in flower its Autumn in the room .Most would have pulled the leaves of when they was yellow.But before doing that i wanted has less contact has possible with them with having the clean plants near to the room at the point.I put a Picture on of some of the bud when its done ,and honest it looks like and smells like its gonna be super nice ,the only thing i would change about it,is wish that i could have cloned the two main ones i liked ,But that was not possible ,To be honest the light leak bit.I knew people was going to say that. it has nothing to do with new growth its crowning,Its one of the things i go on when there done.they pull those pistols into the crowns.I do on the other hand wish i had hit them with a few stress things light leaks ext ,just on the of chance of seeds from these
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View attachment 4230189 The Main Fan Leafs have all but Gone,There are a few leaves left the sugar leaf .But I don't want the Bud to burn up,it's not caused by high humidity or high temps.Both are sound,But there are a Load of white Pistols still left on the plants.What would you do leave them another week,that would mean full 10 week.its only really bad on one of the plants.Dont forget these had Spidermites,and Thrips.What would you do leave them another week ,or harvest now.Bud on them is stunning .just never had them go like this before pistols have changed colour.My Question is shall I leave them another week,or take them down now.The other two ain't has bad,Still lost major part of there leaf though.
They look ok too me, maybe you could have taken them a little earlier, but all the dead leaves are normal at end stage. I would cut now though.
I'll bet you have some nice bud.
Had a good luck and can't see anything.Mind you I have took em down need room ,and enough is enough with them.Thanks Guys.