Best attack method for thrips?

Jimmy the vest uk

Well-Known Member
I have been using the smoke bombs and was keeping the numbers low but now for some reason they seem resilient to it?
Been researching a lot I know about the thrip predators and the usual sprays and leaving a few days in between applications blah blah blah.
Anyone have a proven method of getting rid of these for good?
Any info appreciated
Thanks in advance

all of them work. spray them in veg so you don't have to spray them in flower. if you only use 1 pesticide they become immune to it. if you rotate between them they will build less tolerance.
Yeah i normally smash the population before I move to flower room, for some reason they don’t seem to do very well in the flower room, I don’t usually see much sign of them but they are becoming a joke in the veg room now. I had spider mites before and in the end after a year or so of being harassed I had to completely shut down to finally get clear of them all.
Thanks for reply
second @doniawon on the Captain Jack's Dead Bug, 1 application everytime knocks them right out. Make sure you spray to saturation at least that's what I prefer, undersides and on top.


There's a concentrate and a 'ready-to-use' be aware when ordering
second @doniawon on the Captain Jack's Dead Bug, 1 application everytime knocks them right out. Make sure you spray to saturation at least that's what I prefer, undersides and on top.


There's a concentrate and a 'ready-to-use' be aware when ordering
What’s best the concentrate or the ready mix?
Much stress or damage to the plants?
I use the concentrate, downside is you have to mix it up, upside is the pint size goes a loooong way.
Haven't noticed it ever bother the plants, but mix lighter than stronger ime.
Should I mix lighter than the recommended dose in your opinion?
Mix per the label as directed :D

Have found less is more is a nice rule that is pretty generally true but not in business of giving much mix advice or any authority to do so. The labels I think are regulated so please follow them.
Mix per the label as directed :D

Have found less is more is a nice rule that is pretty generally true but not in business of giving much mix advice or any authority to do so. The labels I think are regulated so please follow them.
Recommended dose it is, I would never mix stronger but I know what you mean, some people might think there really clever and decide to make it really strong to kill them all better lol
Heres another way to try

I nuke bombed my main flower room with a Large fortefog bomb - covers a huge size, 50m3 for my area of say 8 m3.
Then I ordered the thrip killers from defenders and applied the sachets a few days later.
I also put sachets of the defenders on my vegging plants to build up a herd on the plants before they were put into flower.
It might take 2 batches of the defenders but it definitely worked in my case.
I've also used Mighty Wash and defenders bio control for spidermites.

I found the smoke bomb kicked the shit outta the thrip and as they tried to regroup the bio control mopped up any stragglers.
Heres another way to try

I nuke bombed my main flower room with a Large fortefog bomb - covers a huge size, 50m3 for my area of say 8 m3.
Then I ordered the thrip killers from defenders and applied the sachets a few days later.
I also put sachets of the defenders on my vegging plants to build up a herd on the plants before they were put into flower.
It might take 2 batches of the defenders but it definitely worked in my case.
I've also used Mighty Wash and defenders bio control for spidermites.

I found the smoke bomb kicked the shit outta the thrip and as they tried to regroup the bio control mopped up any stragglers.
Good tactics
Thanks for your input
Finding it hard to get hold of the captain jacks as quickly as I would have liked as it’s coming from USA! Anyone in uk have any special remedy’s or products to rid me of these thrips? Not many products contain spinosad as far as what I have found, one other company was called Monterey spray or something like that but again it’s from USA. Any help appreciated