and that's very true as well, if anyone has seen his pics or videos it is some impressive shit, and the way I see it why would someone trying to put their name out there and start a business, purposely screw someone right before doing that!

just doesn't seem logical at all, and as far as I can tell he's a straight up guy! and he delivered on exactly what he said he would!
He can be harsh at times , but he's straight up and I Believe he sent exactly what he's been running. And shit that looks that good has got to be fire ass shit.
Would it hurt to put landscaping fabric in the bottom of the tote to keep your soil from washing through.
I'm actually only using that in the wick pot, I made it a pretty tight fit when cutting the lid for a floor, and the holes I drilled are tiny, I don't think much soil will make it into the rez

and to answer ur question it kinda would hurt, half of the reason this sip works so well, is bc it gets "water roots" like ppl get when growing hydro! and I havent been able to prove this but I'm sure it plays a big part in how it grows so fast! so no fabric in the bottom bc it would be harder for the roots to get through, now as for the wick cup, I'm not worried about the fabric bc it will be submerged for the most part! hope that clears some things up for you!

He can be harsh at times , but he's straight up and I Believe he sent exactly what he's been running. And shit that looks that good has got to be fire ass shit.
and isn't that the truth, lol he's not a bad person but can be very blunt!

also I was doing some looking, the leaves do have that weird curl thing that everyone talks about!
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Aww shit, you sourced your cut from Heisen. Yea, I'd say YOU have ah legit cut. I was leaning more towards MY bagseed supposed to be GG. Hell my seeds didn't even have the#4 in the
Who knows, fuck it. They sprouted, I'll run them. I have nothing but time.
Aww shit, you sourced your cut from Heisen. Yea, I'd say YOU have ah legit cut. I was leaning more towards MY bagseed supposed to be GG. Hell my seeds didn't even have the#4 in the
Who knows, fuck it. They sprouted, I'll run them. I have nothing but time.
no it wasn't him lol and he don't have any more lol

I'm trying to figure out how everybody knows that, It was posted at one time very breifly but he asked me to delete it, but it seems everyone knows any way and that there was a lot more than me, but apparently that was it, too many ppl asking so as far as I know he cut that off for good!
no it wasn't him lol and he don't have any more lol

I'm trying to figure out how everybody knows that, It was posted at one time very breifly but he asked me to delete it, but it seems everyone knows any way and that there was a lot more than me, but apparently that was it, too many ppl asking so as far as I know he cut that off for good!
I've seen the flowers that your cut came from. Its legit.
as soon as these lower nodes get just a lil bit bigger, it's gunna be time to make this beauty multiply! and then she can go into her new permenent home! I even went ahead and put her name on it! really haven't been this excited about a strain in a very long time, must have bought 10 different crosses of gg4 since I started, bc of how much I've always loved this strain, although some may have been good nothing touches the original! and finally SHE'S ALL MINE!!! muuuahhahhahhahaahhahah!!!!!!!CM181110-233326002.jpg CM181110-233326002.jpg CM181110-234334001.jpg
OK guys, well do the recent "entire site going to shit" and not able to find a good place to just chill and talk about growing pot (ya know the reason we're all here!) I've unwatched all my usual threads, and will only be here from now on. I'm honestly looking for a new site to go hang out in, one that hopefully has less negative bullhshit, and drama all the time. I'm sure I'll need alot of luck with that! but my best wishes to everyone and happy growing guys!

if someone was interested in this thread just hmu, I'll finish it for ya, if not then it's over, and what's the point!

and a big thanks to all the guys that have tought me so much, and helped me out through the years! you guys are great! I truly appreciate all of you!
You seriously gonna let other people dictate where u go homie?sign into my name for a day lol.
I'm just tired of all the crap man, it's just one thing after another, I've always came here to get away, and now it's like I need to get away from here, so idk man, I'm really just trying to find some threads to hang in or something, I just gotta get away from all the negativity yea know!
I'm just tired of all the crap man, it's just one thing after another, I've always came here to get away, and now it's like I need to get away from here, so idk man, I'm really just trying to find some threads to hang in or something, I just gotta get away from all the negativity yea know!
Just take a break. Don't leave all together, but take a few days and decompress. It's all just forum bullshit anyway, nothing worth getting upset over. I'm sure people would like to see this gg4 run completed, and the sip pots are cool but not talked about a lot. Just keep doing your thing.

alright guys I just got some more em1, and bag of grokashi, I got this link for anyone trying this, this link will show you how to activate your em1, basically your just getting more shit for your money! I'll add I some pics later of mine!

I use a 1 gallon big glass jug, with a burping cap thing, all bought from my local hydro shop that just happens to sell everything to brew your own beer, that's what this jug and thing is for!

I use 3/4 cup of em1, 3/4 cup of molasses, and really hot water, I add the molasses and water first, em1 last! once again all this is doing is giving your more product for the money spent! after about 5-7 days check your pH with test strips your pH goal is 3.5. enjoy!!!CM181112-143526001.jpg CM181112-143542002.jpg
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so now at this point, when my sip has grown in a nice mycelium layer, I will top dress it with some high quality compost, bu's biodynamic compost is my number one choice! but it is a Lil expensive, and once again top dress that with more grokashi! this is when I transplant the lucky girl into her final home! now this will be the last time, but once the mycelium grows again I will make a compost slurry, of compost, grokashi, and water, and drop it on top as simulating a cow dropping a fat dump! there is no other steps after this point just sit back and watch the magic happen! CM181112-144203001.jpg

after this I will not need to remove the black plastic until after harvest! from this point on its all on auto pilot! as long as you have a good living soil, and have the amendments that should be in your soil, it's nothing but filling the rez with em1 and water!

some ppl do top dress some more, but with my soil, I have not seen any reason to do nothing else!!!
alright guys I just got some more em1, and bag of grokashi, I got this link for anyone trying this, this link will show you how to activate your em1, basically your just getting more shit for your money! I'll add I some pics later of mine!

I use a 1 gallon big glass jug, with a burping cap thing, all bought from my local hydro shop that just happens to sell everything to brew your own beer, that's what this jug and thing is for!

I use 3/4 cup of em1, 3/4 cup of molasses, and really hot water, I add the molasses and water first, em1 last! once again all this is doing is giving your more product for the money spent! after about 5-7 days check your pH with test strips your pH goal is 3.5. enjoy!!!View attachment 4231941 View attachment 4231942

Thank you Sir! I will totally be doing this!
so now at this point, when my sip has grown in a nice mycelium layer, I will top dress it with some high quality compost, bu's biodynamic compost is my number one choice! but it is a Lil expensive, and once again top dress that with more grokashi! this is when I transplant the lucky girl into her final home! now this will be the last time, but once the mycelium grows again I will make a compost slurry, of compost, grokashi, and water, and drop it on top as simulating a cow dropping a fat dump! there is no other steps after this point just sit back and watch the magic happen! View attachment 4231949

after this I will not need to remove the black plastic until after harvest! from this point on its all on auto pilot! as long as you have a good living soil, and have the amendments that should be in your soil, it's nothing but filling the rez with em1 and water!

some ppl do top dress some more, but with my soil, I have not seen any reason to do nothing else!!!

How much do you top dress with grokashi? My bag says 1/3 of cup to 15 gallons, that seems a little small. So I have been doing 2tbsn for my 7 gal, and I’m not seeing much mycelium action
Thank you Sir! I will totally be doing this!

How much do you top dress with grokashi? My bag says 1/3 of cup to 15 gallons, that seems a little small. So I have been doing 2tbsn for my 7 gal, and I’m not seeing much mycelium action
honestly I use almost a whole cup, 2 total top dressings, one the first time I fill the tote and then 1 more time right before I plant the girl into the pot, once she's in and the layer grows over, then I simulate the cow dump! lol

its kinda hard to use so much it becomes a problem, I like to get a nice thick layer bc once I close it after that last time, I try not even to open it again until after harvest!

so it's right at about 1.5 cups total gro-Kashi for my entire sip! that's what I use until I can find any info saying different!
honestly I use almost a whole cup, 2 total top dressings, one the first time I fill the tote and then 1 more time right before I plant the girl into the pot, once she's in and the layer grows over, then I simulate the cow dump! lol

its kinda hard to use so much it becomes a problem, I like to get a nice thick layer bc once I close it after that last time, I try not even to open it again until after harvest!

so it's right at about 1.5 cups total gro-Kashi for my entire sip! that's what I use until I can find any info saying different!

So I have Barley straw as my mulch, for the mycelium to stay alive do I need to keep top dressing? Or will it just stay? I ask because I over amended my original soil that the rootball is in, but the soil surrounding it is FF’s Light Warrior, just soil and worm castings. It’s going to need some food sometime... i’ve Just been waiting for the mycelium to break down the amendments to bring balance to the pH or The Force if you’re in to Star Wars