Fox Farm Bottled nutes & hydro


Well-Known Member
I'm only experimenting with hydro, using fox farm bottled nutes (big bloom/grow big/tigerbloom) how would i go about feeding my plant in it? what should i start off with?
NPK% of grow big is 6-4-4
NPK% of big bloom is 0.01-0.3-0.7
I won't even bother with adding in tiger bloom, i know i don't wanna use that yet.
I'm gonna be in something that's 1 gallon
If there's any addition information someone needs to help me, let me know.
follow the instructions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer. you can find feeding charts for fox farm nutes on the internet.
what happened?
everythings going great, i got a bucket as well as baskets to put the plants in with some clay pebbles.
i ended up doing the same thing to another plant, i thought i accidentally ripped out some of the roots, but when i place her in the water she kept growing like nothing ever happened.
that happens when you use organic ferts in hydro. salt only bud
View attachment 4231991
i'd love to do something like that next time around, but this is what i have for now, and it'll have to do.
Yes. An auto viking blue.View attachment 4231984
very nice! is the purple genetic or is that a P problem you have?
I'm growing a strain called chocolate frosted sherbert, it's a cross between (sunset sherbert x chocolate frosting), and chocolate frosting is (dosidos x mint choc chip)
also, the nutrients stay at the bottom of the jug i'm using, is it a good idea to stir it up once and a while to get the nutrients going throughout the water?
this strain contains blueberry genetics. thats why the leaves are purple. yes you should stir the fertilizer to keep everything stirred up.
IMG_20180831_185820_453.jpg dank.jpg 20181003_233227.jpg yeah jack's hydro 5-12-26 blend @ 3Grams with 15-0-0 calcium nitrate @2grams and epsom salts @1 gram. it's called jack's 321 method.