Please help my ph problem


Well-Known Member
the problem was my plant was showing multiple strange things in the leaf reminiscent to a post on this site where a well known member purposefully gave his plant ph 8+ water and documented the results. going to try and find it again


Well-Known Member
Feed plants, its why thr new growth is starting to get better.

Ignore all else, from ph to seaweed to calmag and now humidity and a suggestion of microbes.

Your not seeing the one thing that pulling you outa the shit for all the other totally uneeded stuff.

Keep on target :-)


Well-Known Member
the problem was my plant was showing multiple strange things in the leaf reminiscent to a post on this site where a well known member purposefully gave his plant ph 8+ water and documented the results. going to try and find it again
My water is ph8.5, it dosent need changing, ignore internet grow rubbish :-)


Well-Known Member
ok well what works for you is great, im just documenting what seems to have happened in my first grow here. all im doing now is following cannas directions which is doing exactly what i thought needed to be done ph wise anyways, youre just trolling for some reason. keep on at it, im trying to become a better grower, not be a troll to someone who is trying to learn new information, thanks again i am going to beed help for flowering them soon


Well-Known Member
My water is ph8.5, it dosent need changing, ignore internet grow rubbish :-)
youre water is 8.5 but you got your grow dialed in a hell of a lot more times than i have, THIS IS MY FIRST GROW once again, i dont have my soil medium setit and forget it, is that what you need? someone come ask him why he can use 8.5 ph water


Well-Known Member
youre water is 8.5 but you got your grow dialed in a hell of a lot more times than i have, THIS IS MY FIRST GROW once again, i dont have my soil medium setit and forget it, is that what you need? someone come ask him why he can use 8.5 ph water
I understand water which is why i and probably you can use it.

I cant troll, years here its more you trolling me.

At some point your gona google your water report and we will have 'that conversation' too.

Ph is not alkalinity, trust me it gets a lot more complex here. Ph is a puny irrelevant slow acting mineral carbonate mainly, s'why i can ignore plenty of ppms of it.

Canna is a schedule of base nutrients, the additives were never essential, since you started giving this things got better, you still think it was ph or some additive or soil magic.

Its black n white to me, roll on the water report :-)


Well-Known Member
These are my plants at day 34 from seed.

The new growth seems to be clawing

on both plants

I tested my soil runoff ph the last two times and it was 6.6 and then 6.9 respectively. its weird how under the led in the tent the leaves look bad, but when i took them out into the normal light it looks like nitrogen toxicity to me. being as how i havent been this far into growing before i dont know what to do or what will happen. please help! ask any questions i need to find out wtf is going on
just leave them alone they are fine


Well-Known Member

this is the water report for my town

what should i do with this water?
It seems fine. 150 ppm is quite good. Lead is never good for us humans but it's in super low quantities. I'm assuming it's just present because your water is slightly acidic and it's leaching off pipes.

Seeing as your plants are doing well, I'd keep status quo. Just keep an eye one em. It would really surprise me if the PH was really a problem here.

I think their was something else at play before. Over fert or salt buildup maybe. You were adding lots of calmag before right?


Well-Known Member
It seems fine. 150 ppm is quite good. Lead is never good for us humans but it's in super low quantities. I'm assuming it's just present because your water is slightly acidic and it's leaching off pipes.

Seeing as your plants are doing well, I'd keep status quo. Just keep an eye one em. It would really surprise me if the PH was really a problem here.

I think their was something else at play before. Over fert or salt buildup maybe. You were adding lots of calmag before right?
i only started using the calmag during the last two weeks. i know i have stressed the plants out alot. i was overwatering at first and also went through a whole cfl to led to led to 4 different leds before getting some good info from influx and getting the hlg.

sorry longwinded, no havent been using a ton of calmag, only been adding 1 tsp calmag+ per gallon of water.

i did have some fungus gnats though, i applied MICROBELIFT in a watering last weekend and have not seen any since


Well-Known Member
Seems to me like overwatering may have been the issue. Add to that low humidity plus high temps as well as the pests and yeah, it's likely that they may have been stressed. More often than not, it's the simple things that cause the problem. Glad to see that the plants are rebounding.

Remember that the main reason to grow indoor is the ability to control the environment. Keep the simple things like temp , humidity, air circulation and lighting in check and you'll see good results. Doing all that will have an exponentially larger impact on quality and yield than nutes ever could. Oh and good genetics is the number one thing.


Well-Known Member
yeah im not in a rush to flower, i want to veg them until i feel they are back to being healthy again and i want to try to maximize what i can when they do flower so ill give them another 30 days and hopefully ill have some of the basics figured out a little better. thanks for the support, ill post some pics when they have some more noticible growth


Well-Known Member
Use it to water your plants.
Your getting there but we need the other part of the chart that details the cal mag minerals and such with ppm ph and alkalinity readings. Shouldn't be hard to find since you found half of it.

Mainly most tap water is fine for soil growing with zero ph adjustment, find the relevant chart and we will back that up for you.

Past this we are starting to see that water is one complex mofo, simply ph'ing and stuff does no justice to actually finding out what your water is in the first place.

If it is low ppm water form calcium then this would further the pointlessness of ph'ing it.

This is the process growers go through in order to get some science down :-)