
No I transplanted almost 2 weeks ago.
And I'm just worried that their growth slowdown is a early warning sign of something.
But I'm hoping it's nothing and that they'll pick back up.
There is so much bushy new growth that all these leafs are overlapping and growing into each other. Maybe they just need a little time to grow and seperate out a bit.
The stems have been thickening a ton and grown quite a bit lately. Maybe that's where all the energy has been going
No I transplanted almost 2 weeks ago.
And I'm just worried that their growth slowdown is a early warning sign of something.
But I'm hoping it's nothing and that they'll pick back up.
There is so much bushy new growth that all these leafs are overlapping and growing into each other. Maybe they just need a little time to grow and seperate out a bit.
The stems have been thickening a ton and grown quite a bit lately. Maybe that's where all the energy has been going
Thick stems is a good sign. May just be a lowrider strain. Make sure all those new tops get lots of light by leaf tucking.
Yeah I've been doing my best to leaf tuck. Theres just sooo many leafs packed into a little space it's hard to make it so they all get even light because it's all of the new tops that are fighting over the light and laying on top of each other.
Hopefully within a couple days they'll be spread out enough.
Some of the lower new tops have started growing out more sideways to try and extend past the leafs above them. They're almost out far enough
Yo, Check you're light distance this happened to me b4 I didnt wanna run my light for no growth/wasted energy. So i put plants outside and they just started flourishing.
I think my lights were too far
I have two 300 watt leds, 24" away which should be perfect
I think they were just putting their energy into stem growth, I noticed earlier that they new tops have grown out quite a bit lately trying to reach out from beneath the other leafs. It seems like the growth is picking back up. And out of no where they started smelling strongggg. Lol their just about two be 3 weeks old so I'm surprised they smell so strongly already
I'm getting a little worried once again.
2 of the plants, some of the leafs are curving their edges downward slightly and it has me freaking out a bit lol
And the new tops stems are growing in so thick its pushing the branches downward into the soil. I have them supported so they dont touch the soil, but I would have thought the branches would try to angle themselves upward to counter it.
Their growing well, and look very healthy, just the leaf curving thing is worrying me.