please help don't know what happened/pics


Active Member
couple of plants did some crazy things over night. all that was done was the room was finally sectioned off. don't know what happened but its only to a couple of them. pics attached


Well-Known Member
It looks to me like it was hotter than Hell (general temps, or too close to lights maybe?) wherever they were, and they got baked (not the good kind)...


Active Member
damn that really sucks well the lights have been raised, and added a new exhaust fan as well as an other oscillating in as well. going to be adding an intake vent tomorrow so hopefully that will help. thanks for the tip.. oh and by the way i have 8 of them and only one is really bad, and the others are pretty healthy i think...


Well-Known Member
You are very lucky. I would go ahead and get that ventilation work done ASAP.

Just out of curiosity, do you see any reason why that one plant burned and the rest didn't? Was just that one too close to a light? For the most part, heat is a common sense issue, what conditions did that one plant suffer that the others did not. It should be pretty obvious to you. If not, maybe you should invest in a good thermometer... Good Luck! :-P


Active Member
yea i have no clue why that one did that, but there was another one that only did that but not nearly as drastic. i left my cam at work so i'll post some pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
yea i have no clue why that one did that, but there was another one that only did that but not nearly as drastic. i left my cam at work so i'll post some pics tomorrow
OK, on a separate note, you may wanna be a little more careful with your camera if your going to have pics like that on it. Just a thought...


Active Member
yea most def!! i'll let you know how it looks tomorrow or later today i should say lol. but thanks for the help i'm off to bed =)


Active Member
so here's a couple of pics of the veg room with new exhaust vent. Going to put an intake at the bottom of the room. Also pics of the rest of the plants. I hope that they make it. What's a good temp for the veg room to be at?





Well-Known Member
Maximum of 90ish, but more importantly keep the warm air from the light flowing away from the plants and allow for cool air to be coming in, I don't pay attention to temperature. It's like if your in a hot room with one window or with two windows opposite of each other, you will be able to cope but if you have no windows or just one you will be overheated.


Active Member
yea there's plenty of air flow in there now. added couple more fans an exhaust and intake. So we'll see what happens now. Hopefully all goes well =)