Well-Known Member
I would be interested in seeing the pics too.
This is tek I learned years ago from a forum post. I don’t remember the author but he has blesssd me with many many successful runs and I thank him for the love he has helped me send out to the world.
I have used this 100’s of times. If my field capacity is correct and all my inputs were good I have never had an issue with my sub in Mono’s.
As usual I was a little out of it and misspoke. I can do 70-80 per pasturizer I have two so 140-160 lbs. I use turkey bags and weigh each to around 10 lbs of FIELD CAPACITY sub.
I ran one pasteurizer with 60 lbs in it today. I am in the Mountain West so I had to wrap the tub in a few towels to help hold temp in my garage. Normally I don’t have to do that.
I am going to assume you know what all the prep is and what you are looking at.

Tubs I use

Wagner wall paper steamer I use.

How I fit the hose to the HEAT RESISTANT PVC T I built for the inside. I also added some small holes to evenenly dispurse the steam.

Pic of the inside with the pvc T. I used some bricks and a cheap wire shelf from Lowe’s to make a shelf and make some space for the pvc.
Bags are weighed, tied, and loaded into the tup. I have a meat thermometer in the lid of the tup for the inside temp and I stick a meat thermometer with a probe into the center of one of the bags so I can monitor inside temps.

Bags loaded and spacers used to make room.

Meat thermometer with prob in bag

Towels cause is it’s cold as fuck in my Rocky Mountain garage. (Wife has banned me from cooking doodoo in the house)

Once the temp reads 150, I set a timer for 90 minutes. Let them cool and fill my tubs.
A big thing to remember is you have to fill the steamer up every 40 minutes or so. In the winter, it can take a hour or two to reach temp but that’s why I use towels. In the summer I am usually at temp in 45 minutes.
Hope this helps some folks out. Each of these can be built for less then $100 and you can stack them up quick to give the ability to process 200+ lbs of sub.
I would suggest getting everything dialed and running smoothly before you do a 200 lb run
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