Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah few good bream and couple of flathead.

We usually do pretty good though my mates a sponsored bream fisho. Knows the lake like the back of his hand
I'm going Trout fishing tomorrow with the chance of an Atlantic Salmon. First time boat fishing there and I haven't had much luck from the shore there before. Be interesting to see more of the lake. Have a fish finder on the way.
That's if the tinnie doesn't have to many leaks in it..
Never tried trout fishing.

Did try and take up fly fishing for a while but mainly got pretty good at tying flies. Never landed a fish
Ive got a decent unused fly rod in the shed- I've never used it or tried fly fishing. I have been thinking of learning to cast it in the yard and start taking it with me in case conditions suit.
My Farther in Law used to catch fairly decent fish just south of Wollongong from the rocks on a fly.

I'll just troll tomorrow I recon. Get to know the lake a bit better and have some more detail when I have the fish finder. Some big trout in there so Ive got incentive.
Ive got a decent unused fly rod in the shed- I've never used it or tried fly fishing. I have been thinking of learning to cast it in the yard and start taking it with me in case conditions suit.
My Farther in Law used to catch fairly decent fish just south of Wollongong from the rocks on a fly.

I'll just troll tomorrow I recon. Get to know the lake a bit better and have some more detail when I have the fish finder. Some big trout in there so Ive got incentive.

i bought mine to try out on bass, turns out all the skinny creeks i fish for bass just have too many trees and bushes around them and casting is impossible without getting tangled in a tree lol.