Happening all over again.


Active Member
Cant identify what issue im having i threw out my first plant 3 weeks ago and started fresh with these 4 thought the issue was nute lock from not ph'ing my water which runs at 8.1 and a hot soil i shouldnt have started in.

New grow is 1 or 1.5L pots, plain potting mix 30% perlite, great white micoz on transplants, house and garden nutes at half capacity for the time being, calmag every 2-3 feeds, ph'd to 6.0-6.2, currently running within 6 inches of a 125w cfl.

Temp ranges between 23°c - 28°c, humidity fluctuations between 33%-42%

(About to get a shake up this week when i can get down to the store their going into 29L fabric pots and a change out to the 600w MH)

Just want to identify and start tackling the issue prior to transplant .

Problem, bottom growth is slowly lightening from green to yellow and dying off, coty leaves first now my first spine leaf, need to nut it out before it gets to my fans.20181119_080523.jpg 20181119_080523.jpg20181119_080523.jpg 20181119_080515.jpg 20181119_080531.jpg 20181119_080515.jpg


Active Member
Apologies dont know why its doubled up all the images, for watering and feed schedules suss the grow journal i started forgot to write anything about it in.


Active Member
Its not overwatering i only water when ive had a dig and she needs it, and volumes, someone else on here said a feed should be aprox a quart of water per gallon of pot size, that translated to around 240ml per L of pot amd gives me just shy of 10% runnoff. watered today, previous one to that was 13th (6days.)

Between 6.0-6.5 was ok territory i assumed, because i am only mixing a L of feed for the moment was concerned that bouncing back and forth with ph up and down to hit the nail on the head may increase the overall concentration so i was just going for closest possible without overdosing.


Well-Known Member
Its not overwatering i only water when ive had a dig and she needs it, and volumes, someone else on here said a feed should be aprox a quart of water per gallon of pot size, that translated to around 240ml per L of pot amd gives me just shy of 10% runnoff. watered today, previous one to that was 13th (6days.)

Between 6.0-6.5 was ok territory i assumed, because i am only mixing a L of feed for the moment was concerned that bouncing back and forth with ph up and down to hit the nail on the head may increase the overall concentration so i was just going for closest possible without overdosing.

^ everything you said in the above post is incorrect

Is there a reason you are making the ph so low? I try for about 6.5.
^ Your pH is too low, must maintain steady 6.5 in soil for best results. Buy a quality pH meter or test strips.

Also agree with Harley re: over-watering, learn better watering techniques. Make these simple changes or you'll likely continue to throw plants out, good luck
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Well-Known Member
One thing is for sure...don't up size these into bigger pots yet....especially pots 29 times larger. Just going off the little info you provided it seems you need to get a handle on your feed / water schedule. The plants look hungry, but they also look like they're staying too wet for too long.


Well-Known Member
I'm last person to give somebody advice but Yout rh is too low.. For veg. hum must be 60%+..


Active Member
All good 6.5 on the button from now on.

The plants look hungry, but they also look like they're staying too wet for too long.
Too wet for too long would indicate over watering correct? If i am wattering in a volume (240ml) that provides 10% runoff which ive read to be the apropriate feed, would my medium be absorbing too much or could it be inadequite drainage or is it a case of me being given the wrong info?

Portable evap ac is coming this week, tents getting a shift into a smaller room that easier to maintain the ambitent temp and humidity but cant shift it in there until i got the ac otherwise its going to bake.


Active Member
I'm last person to give somebody advice but Yout rh is too low.. For veg. hum must be 60%+..
Optimal range 40-70 im on the low end, couple days of scorching weather to blame, it usualy rests around 60 give or take a few but like i stated the tents in a pretty big room one night the misso left the ducted on with the last plant i came home and my tent was full of condensation, levels were over 90% i spat chips, been reluctant to run the ducted in that room since. Cooler change coming over for the next week though so wont be an issue.


Well-Known Member
All good 6.5 on the button from now on.

Too wet for too long would indicate over watering correct? If i am wattering in a volume (240ml) that provides 10% runoff which ive read to be the apropriate feed, would my medium be absorbing too much or could it be inadequite drainage or is it a case of me being given the wrong info?

Portable evap ac is coming this week, tents getting a shift into a smaller room that easier to maintain the ambitent temp and humidity but cant shift it in there until i got the ac otherwise its going to bake.
Example: ffof in 3 gallon pots, I water 40 - 56 Oz every 48 hrs., plus or minus 12 hours depending on summer or winter temperatures

1) Fill sample pot up with soil, do not water it. pick it up and feel the weight. put it aside.

2) Wait for plants to dry out & feel the same weight as the sample pot before watering again. (Do not use quart per gallon ratio that you quoted above).

3) 10% runoff is fine, but you don't need runoff every watering in soil.

This will teach you exactly how to water plants properly in a very short time, good luck
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Active Member
Cheers mate will get a standby pot set up in the morning and hopefully gets me back on track.

So deffo not gonna upsize to my final pot size but am still keen to switch out to the air pruning pots (maybe a neater size) if water logging is my issue it cant hurt to have optimal airation and drainage over the plastic post their in, and am a little worried because 3 of 4 of the pots have got root tips showing in the drain holes of the plastic pots i dont want them too exposed or suceptable to anything. Stick to what im in till i get the watering straight or into a better quality pot and go from there?
Example: ffof in 3 gallon pots, I water 40 - 56 Oz every 48 hrs., plus or minus 12 hours depending on summer or winter temperatures

1) Fill sample pot up with soil, do not water it. pick it up and feel the weight. put it aside.

2) Wait for plants to dry out & feel exactly the same weight as the sample pot before watering again. (Do not use quart per gallon ratio that you quoted above).

3) 10% runoff is fine, but you don't need runoff every watering in soil.

This will teach you exactly how to water plants properly in a very short time, good luck


Active Member
My tap water runs about 6.8 and I haven't messed with it and my plants grew just fine.
I want to test my old mans water hes been an outdoor grower for years does nothing but seedlings in a 1L pot, transfers to his 50L pot adds veg and bloom nutes to the soil and hoses it in straight from the tap. Always killer crops but im just finding indopr to be very problematic.


Active Member
That charts killer too cheers for that, didnt realise there was such a difference in the decimal places. Cal mag has been added not every feeding but pointlesly im way out with the intake range for that. Appreciate it.
what you feeding your babies bro? could be too much nitrogen as it's either nitrogen or calmag but since you've been. giving them calmag I'd say too much nitrogen as there the only two defencincies that make the leaves totally yellow....I had a few lower leaves do it to me and laid of the nutes for a few days and just fed a little calmag


Active Member
If your using a good soil you don't need to nute the seedlings till they are 4 or 5 nodes high even then, a good soil almost needs no nutes regular water 2 times then a bit of nutes 3rd water cycle I water every other day


Well-Known Member
I have a soil that holds onto water like crazy.
I have to water sparingly, or, like you it will take almost a week for my soil to dry. I dont think thats good for your plants. My plants grow better in my other soil because it dries every 2 days. I am not advocating that you use what I use, am just saying that watering once every 6 days can still be overwatering.

If you dont already, get a fan blowing gently on your plants. It will help pull the moisture from your soil.

Disclaimer: I am a total noob...but sharing what seems to work for me.