

Well-Known Member
Atavism, he appealed to a regressive streak inherent in “nationalists”, the white-male-patriarchy.
I can only wish that it were an ancestral trait that reappeared. The same fuckers and their ilk who voted for Trump can be found in this photo. Hint: they aren't sitting at the counter.



Well-Known Member
If most voters support progressive issues, why do you support moderate Democratic policy and being bipartisan with Republican fascists?
I seem to have gotten you in a lather but your post is unclear about exactly why . Would you show me the offending post?


Well-Known Member
There's first gotta be enough support for more than a 2 party system which there isn't in this current time. The majority are more than happy to be either a democrat or a republican. The throw away candidates aren't really paid much attention to by the mainstream public.
then why are there INDEPENDENTS?