Is she ready to harvest?

This is my third grow and every other time ive harvested at day 60 with lots of amber and cloudy trichs. With this grow im on day 50 and id say i have about 15% amber and 70% cloudy on all the top 3/4 of the colas and only 15% clear on the bottom popcorn nugs. I would post a few pictures but my camera lens is shattered unfortunately. If it helps im using a 60x-120x electronic microscope so i know I'm definetly seeing lots of cloudy and amber trichs, i also pulled a couple popcorn nugs and dried them with a blow dryer instead of microwaving or baking to get a sample since it tastes better than being quick baked and the high was actually impressive for snipping a little nug at day 45. Anyways what would your opinion be?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
This is my third grow and every other time ive harvested at day 60 with lots of amber and cloudy trichs. With this grow im on day 50 and id say i have about 15% amber and 70% cloudy on all the top 3/4 of the colas and only 15% clear on the bottom popcorn nugs. I would post a few pictures but my camera lens is shattered unfortunately. If it helps im using a 60x-120x electronic microscope so i know I'm definetly seeing lots of cloudy and amber trichs, i also pulled a couple popcorn nugs and dried them with a blow dryer instead of microwaving or baking to get a sample since it tastes better than being quick baked and the high was actually impressive for snipping a little nug at day 45. Anyways what would your opinion be?
Wait till they are all cloudy


Active Member
This is my third grow and every other time ive harvested at day 60 with lots of amber and cloudy trichs. With this grow im on day 50 and id say i have about 15% amber and 70% cloudy on all the top 3/4 of the colas and only 15% clear on the bottom popcorn nugs. I would post a few pictures but my camera lens is shattered unfortunately. If it helps im using a 60x-120x electronic microscope so i know I'm definetly seeing lots of cloudy and amber trichs, i also pulled a couple popcorn nugs and dried them with a blow dryer instead of microwaving or baking to get a sample since it tastes better than being quick baked and the high was actually impressive for snipping a little nug at day 45. Anyways what would your opinion be?
I actually just had the opposite happen I had my plants in flower for 84 days and none of the strains were ten weekers. I was flowering under all leds then it got cold in my garage so I put in a 400 hps to get some heat in the tent. Then it got even colder so at 6 weeks I replaced the 400 with a 1k hps and no cloudy trichs by 8 weeks so I just kept my eye on them and after 10 weeks pulled them about 3/4 cloudy, I'm thinking it was the lights not sure. I tell you what I did notice though, The last 2 weeks i kept the temp at 60 with the lights on and 55 when off and the buds tightened up. The last week I was feeding them cold water about 55 degrees, I believe that helpd them finish up. But as far as your plants if the trichs are ready pull them , Have the calyxs swelled up??
I actually just had the opposite happen I had my plants in flower for 84 days and none of the strains were ten weekers. I was flowering under all leds then it got cold in my garage so I put in a 400 hps to get some heat in the tent. Then it got even colder so at 6 weeks I replaced the 400 with a 1k hps and no cloudy trichs by 8 weeks so I just kept my eye on them and after 10 weeks pulled them about 3/4 cloudy, I'm thinking it was the lights not sure. I tell you what I did notice though, The last 2 weeks i kept the temp at 60 with the lights on and 55 when off and the buds tightened up. The last week I was feeding them cold water about 55 degrees, I believe that helpd them finish up. But as far as your plants if the trichs are ready pull them , Have the calyxs swelled up??

Yeah they've swelled up a lot in the past week, the calyxes that form first near the stems look like they're going to burst. My last grow i was using hps and led and i had 2 liter sized buds, but to save power ive just been using my leds for this grow so theyre not giant monsters but id say wet weight each of the big budsites weighs atleast 10 grams, and from the sample i tried im pretty impressed by the quality .
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Active Member
I would just keep an eye on those trichs until they are the way you like them. I just finished my plants and ill tell you droppin the temps helped them swell and finish up. I had the temp @ 60 with lighs on and 55 in the dark and they started to grow more but it was just making them more dense.