The global elite are playing their hand


New Member
Did I just see Big Bush talking about it and "when we are successful" ? Holyfuckingshitthye'vebeenplanninghtisallalong!

OMG 1:15 in and I can't watch anymore. I think I"m going to puke. We are soooooooooo FUUUUUUUUUUCKED.

Joe, tried to +rep you for this, but gotta spread it around first.


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how American troops will react when they're forced to look into the eyes of the people they swore to protect, and realize they're the real terrorists.


New Member
This whole thing just gets more and more scary.

Does anyone think this is one of those ploys to try to end the world and bring on the second coming of christ?


New Member
OMG 1:42 dude picks his nose 1:43 eats it........I'm dying over here OMFG

2:03 more mining.......2:05 another snack...........

I love Glenn Beck "Hey I'm Eric Foremam man, I use the same voice for everybody"


Well-Known Member
It's weird to be apart of it while it's happening.
It's very surreal, like it's not true or hard to believe.


Well-Known Member
It's weird to be apart of it while it's happening.
It's very surreal, like it's not true or hard to believe.
The only thing that I find hard to believe are any claims that Obama, or McCain are going to change it. Both of them have vested interest in the status quo. (Which is a slide towards global socialism and the pushing of the Religion of Environmentalism).


Well-Known Member
I believe in half of what I see and nothing I hear.
Fuck yea I believe the video!
...I don't know what's real anymore, if I ever did in the first place.
Do I believe the video? I'm leaning yea.
Without question the first 4mins or so.


Well-Known Member
What amazes me is the myopic view that Americans have of their system. When looked at from the outside the US system is on a corruption level of Russia or any other supposed undesirable country, if not more... Freemasons, gormogon (sp?), there have always been those of delusion of grandure..


Well-Known Member
What amazes me is the myopic view that Americans have of their system. When looked at from the outside the US system is on a corruption level of Russia or any other supposed undesirable country
A wolf in sheeps clothing.


New Member
Maybe we should put both parties on lock down. They can't elect of re-elect anyone for the next 2 terms. Give one of the other parties a chance, they might be able to start fixing things.