Happening all over again.


Active Member
what you feeding your babies bro? could be too much nitrogen as it's either nitrogen or calmag but since you've been. giving them calmag I'd say too much nitrogen as there the only two defencincies that make the leaves totally yellow....I had a few lower leaves do it to me and laid of the nutes for a few days and just fed a little calmag
House and garden soil a is what im feeding, recomended dosing is 5ml to the L first feed i only mixed 2ml. Second up to 3ml. Probably around the 24 days from seed give or take a few can remember exact.

After seeing that chart i was more leaning to the calmag because my ph was a bit low. No nutes next feed see how it goes.


Active Member
I have a soil that holds onto water like crazy.
I have to water sparingly, or, like you it will take almost a week for my soil to dry. I dont think thats good for your plants. My plants grow better in my other soil because it dries every 2 days. I am not advocating that you use what I use, am just saying that watering once every 6 days can still be overwatering.

If you dont already, get a fan blowing gently on your plants. It will help pull the moisture from your soil.

Disclaimer: I am a total noob...but sharing what seems to work for me.
Fans on in the tent, may look into a soil change, going to the shop tomorow im still set on getting them out of plastic and into fabrics for better airation and drainage may assist with the soil drying. Will talk to my bloke tomorow about quality soils available here.


Active Member
Changed over from the 125w cfl too the 600w MH. Previous try with this bulb seen a temp spike i couldnt controll. Simple piece of AC flex hosing clipped to the back of my shade now has me running 600w maintaining 23.5°c (74.3°f)

Humidity back up above 50% now the weathers not stinking hot outside.
20181120_065816.jpg Noticed a couple little flies the other day, (centre of the photo on main stem) had a chat with my bloke at the shop today he said that he could sell me a $30 bug spray but a short burst of Morteen (general purpose bug spray) on the top soil will do. Couple days on if their back theres probably larva in the soil and ill need to buy a propper soil treatment. Any one out there confirm this as bug sprays got alot of chem is it the same from the supermarket as it is the hydro shop?

Lastly my nitro deficiency. Doing more research into the house and garden range and theres too many costly additives for me too be using house and garden nutes in their peak performance. New nutes and feed schedule, NPK from 3-1-5 too 6-2-4.20181122_190631.jpg


Active Member
Listed everything im doing previously.

1L of tap water runs about 8.1
Mixed 2-3 ml of my house and garden nutes over the feeds.
Every second feed had 1ml cal mag added.
Phd that to 6.2 which has already been pointed out is too low have too hit 6.5 on the mark.
That L of mix gets divided up amongst the 4 pots.
Generally leave them for 10-15mins on the sink for runoff and its back in the tent.

From there medium takes around 5 days to dry to a point of wanting to water again


Well-Known Member
Listed everything im doing previously.

1L of tap water runs about 8.1
Mixed 2-3 ml of my house and garden nutes over the feeds.
Every second feed had 1ml cal mag added.
Phd that to 6.2 which has already been pointed out is too low have too hit 6.5 on the mark.
That L of mix gets divided up amongst the 4 pots.
Generally leave them for 10-15mins on the sink for runoff and its back in the tent.

From there medium takes around 5 days to dry to a point of wanting to water again
Your giving them too much feed/water. If they are water logged for 5 days thats way too long. The roots are constantly water logged so they have no need to grow to search for water. You need more wet/dry cycles. Also do you know what ec/ppm your feeding them and how often are you giving them food vs straight water? Cut back your watering amounts in half at least, you do not need to give them enough to runoff.


Well-Known Member
drainage, since you've added perlight to a potting mix that looks like Forrest bark peat and moss mostly your soils water retention is off the roof. MJ actually needs a soil that drys out, someone mentioned stunned root growth due to water logging. They are on the right path.

Drastic measures : remove plants, replant into same pots, but this time at the bottom add stones of different grade to allow air flow its really that simple


Active Member
Your giving them too much feed/water. If they are water logged for 5 days thats way too long. The roots are constantly water logged so they have no need to grow to search for water. You need more wet/dry cycles. Also do you know what ec/ppm your feeding them and how often are you giving them food vs straight water? Cut back your watering amounts in half at least, you do not need to give them enough to runoff.
30 days from seed
3.11 1L h20, 1ml ca mg, ph 6.4
7.11 h20, ph 6.2
13.11 h20, 2 5ml H+G, 1ml ca mg, ph 6.0
19.11 h20, 3ml h+g, ph 6.2

I know the ph has to be dialed into 6.5 exact im kicking myself for not being anal about it.


Active Member
drainage, since you've added perlight to a potting mix that looks like Forrest bark peat and moss mostly your soils water retention is off the roof. MJ actually needs a soil that drys out, someone mentioned stunned root growth due to water logging. They are on the right path.

Drastic measures : remove plants, replant into same pots, but this time at the bottom add stones of different grade to allow air flow its really that simple
I ordered four 1 + 3 gallon fabric pots today should be delivered within 2-4 days would that suffice for airflow and drainage?

Currently looking into other soil options while i wait for them


Well-Known Member
30 days from seed
3.11 1L h20, 1ml ca mg, ph 6.4
7.11 h20, ph 6.2
13.11 h20, 2 5ml H+G, 1ml ca mg, ph 6.0
19.11 h20, 3ml h+g, ph 6.2

I know the ph has to be dialed into 6.5 exact im kicking myself for not being anal about it.
Your ph doesnt have to be 6.5 on the button every time, anywhere from 6.2 to 6.5 will do. As i said you are giving them too much volume of water when you water, larger pots, different mixes etc doesnt matter, you are not fixing the main problem which is overwatering.


Active Member
See the research i did gave me an optimal range for ph then i got told 6.5 on the button. Will do better to get it as close as possible but thats somewhat a relief.

Not a worry though ill cut back my volume by half, see how that goes. Cheers west.


Well-Known Member
just stop trying to grow indoors with soil
soil and hydroponic nutrients can be used together but why would you when you can use something like coca or some other form of real hydroponics and get better results from the money you spend on them chemicals plus keeping your ph and ec in rage in soil is impossible for a new grower
personally i think if anyone is trying to grow indoors with soil they are retarded and should stop it


Active Member
Because my plan was and still is to start indoors while the weathers shit which its not far from coming good then amalgamating them outdoors so staying in soil.

When im ready for the transition ill pick up some clones and fill my space back up so i can still learn and work on my indoor technique.


Well-Known Member
You can see the tips of the leaves pointing to the ground... pretty obvious what your issue is.


Well-Known Member
If you cannot control your watering now, do not put those in a bigger pot. It is far easier to overwater in too large of a pot for your plant.

As others have said, let it dry out. Sometimes I wait for the plant to wilt a bit if I am unsure.
It will not hurt the plant. In fact, I have seen some pretty good results from doing that occassionally. The roots grow looking for water. Then, once watered, the plant has a growth spurt.

Note:. The yellowing wont disappear overnight even if you are doing the right thing now. Just keep doing it right.

Disclaimer: I am a noob with growing. Follow the experts advise.