Aussie Growers Thread

Met up with the other cancer guy today- bloody nice fella. He doesn't think he has the energy or motivation to grow his own so ill have to ramp up the CBD Shark. Ill supply the product and he will do the extraction and capping.
The caps have made a huge improvement in his day to day life- its amazing really.
Good on ya mate. Its such a shame that this country is so backwards people have to suffer when there is so much that can help
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Met up with the other cancer guy today- bloody nice fella. He doesn't think he has the energy or motivation to grow his own so ill have to ramp up the CBD Shark. Ill supply the product and he will do the extraction and capping.
The caps have made a huge improvement in his day to day life- its amazing really.
Does the cbd shark still have some kick in the THC department
Does the cbd shark still have some kick in the THC department
Not as a flower I wouldn't think but as a cap- yes and a decent long one. He has it in the morning and it lasts 12 hrs. Decent edibles go way past what the body can convert from smoking.
Its a 6% and 6% advertised strain - I haven't had it tested.
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Good on ya mate. Its such a shame that this country is so backwards people have to suffer when there is so much that can help
Spread the word when you can- it helps people. Amazing the cancer or terminal people with no access to it? Just spreading the word helps at this stage.

It's good work you're doing :)
Thanks mate but at the end of the day Im going to be charging him for the flower he converts. So in 3 months ill be profiting from his ailment. Not sure I like that.
was expecting a xmas harvest so that's probably gonna happen. smurf, I'll be happy if she gets fat enough to get bud rot.

There's a blueberry growing in the garden, not sure why it has begun to flower while the days are getting longer!? could be end of January now.

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Spread the word when you can- it helps people. Amazing the cancer or terminal people with no access to it? Just spreading the word helps at this stage.

Thanks mate but at the end of the day Im going to be charging him for the flower he converts. So in 3 months ill be profiting from his ailment. Not sure I like that.
I know what you mean but at least they have the option,in a perfect world none of us would have to charge people in need but it costs $ to produce,takes as much space and time as growing for high THC and the charges for growing it are the same. In my opinion as long as you are charging a fair price for clean flower than you are still helping them more than our government is.