Need answer a.s.a.p!


Well-Known Member
2 seeds of mine just cracked but it was really unexpected and I didn't have anything for them. Is it okay to put them in pots, with regular potting soil and just have a regular 100watt bulb on them, just until friday?

Mad points for whoever helps me.


Well-Known Member
you would have to get a cfl bulb. You will be fine for a couple days if you get one of those. Not a normal bulb though. This will not work and your plant will die from lack of light and not the right spectrum


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with above, but also make sure you get potting mix that doesn't have time release nutes, it often leads to fried plants.


Well-Known Member
I'll be going to Canadian Tire tomorrow, for a CFl, but otherwise, they're just in pots, in regular soil, in a closet with a normal bulb on them for tonight. I just watered the seeds in and now my fingers are crossed.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with above, but also make sure you get potting mix that doesn't have time release nutes, it often leads to fried plants.
Mine doesn't, its plain potting soil, from the dollar store actually (that's all that's open right now).


Well-Known Member
i you want you can just keep adding cfls too. People do their whole grows with just these lights. They are not the best and you shouldnt expect much if you just use cfls, but it sounds like you are just starting out so that may be your best bet. Do some research and get some money together.

You will not be successfull if you put it outside at this time of year. It is too late.

Look up CFL lights and also maybe look up the prices of a cheap HID light. You will want a Metal Halide light for vegging and a HPS High Pressure Sodium lite for flower. If you can only get one bulb get the HPS and use it all the way through. For you first grow and only doing one plant you will want to get a 250watter HPS. They don't cost too too much. Like I said look it up and post any questions on here and someone will help you out!! Good luck man.

P.s. you will be fine just putting it in a pot and adding soil. Just get that CFL on them for now. It woud actually be able to probably grow for a week or 2 with just that one bulb. That will give you plenty of time to research and plan for you grow!!


New Member
if its not to cold you could probably just put it by the window... haha but I wouldnt... Id go get a CFL from your local. peace nukka


Well-Known Member
I'll be going to Canadian Tire tomorrow, for a CFl, but otherwise, they're just in pots, in regular soil, in a closet with a normal bulb on them for tonight. I just watered the seeds in and now my fingers are crossed.
you will be fine with no lite for a day if the seed has not sprouted yet. As soon as you see it starting to pop out of t soil you are going to need a lite on it. Even put it in a window for now but no longet than a day without a lite.


Well-Known Member
I've researched a bunch of stuff. I have the Buds For Less book, and the link in my sig is for this grow, with my materials and shit. I just didn't expect these seeds to crack so I didn't have anything bought yet. They were just bagseeds that I thought I'd try to germ. They're just in pots with a normal lightbulb but tomorrow I'll be picking up a CFL, hopefully tonight if I can find something that's open.


Well-Known Member
you would be surprised with bagseed sometimes. I know I germed some like 8 weeks ago and they are in their 2ndweek of flower and are looking BOMB. I am pretty sure they came from a bag of OG so these are some good genetics. Most of the elite strains came from Badseed. Well almost all you know. Some were bread but most some people just found and they came out great. Don't think that it won't be dank if you get bagseed. It is just a selfed seed and really close to the original. Look up the origins of ChemD and you will see that came out of a bag, so did nyc, sour D, Og, etc, etc.

you are off to a good start. keep it up. I am no expert but you can pm me and I can probably point you in the right direction. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Man thanks a lot. That's awesome, I'll def take you up on that.

My seeds are sitting under a single light right now, and just sitting on the closet floor. Tomorrow I'm going to buy a CFL, but I can't buy anything for the grow box until friday.